Code Block |
global: domain: "<your-domain>" instance: "smartfacts" registry: "repo.mid.de" repologin: <login provided by MID> cert: crtFullChain: "<FULL-CHAIN-CERT-BASE64>" key: "<CERT-KEY-BASE64>" ingress: enabled: true # if you use nginx as ingress controller please comment in this line: #ingressClassType: "nginx" ldap: # The url of the ldap server url: #TODO # The base DN of the ldap base_dn: #TODO # Group search base g_search_base: #TODO # User search base u_search_base: #TODO # The ldap filter, which reduces the results to the relevant users and groups search_filter: #TODO # The read only user accessing the ldap user: #TODO # The password of the read-only user accessing the ldap. password: #TODO # The following section contains the mapping of the ldif attributes in your ldap to the attributes in Smartfacts. # The default values stated in the comments are the valid values for an openldap. # The values stated in the active fields (not out commented) are the correct values for an Active directory. # TODO: Please adopt the values, so that they fit to your ldap / Active directory instance. ldif_attributes: # The field for the unique id of an object. Default: "entryUUID" uniqueid: "objectGUID" # Classname of the group object. Default: "groupOfNames" classname_group: "group" # Classname of the user object. Default: "person" #classname_user: "person" # The field for the NameID of users. Default: "cn" user_nameid: "sAMAccountName" # The field for the given name of a user. Default: "givenName" #user_first_name: "givenName" # The field for the last name of a user. Default: "sn" #user_last_name: "sn" # The field for the title of a user. Default: "title" #user_title: "title" # The field for the email of a user. Default: "mail" #user_mail: "mail" # The field for the telephone number of a user. Default: "telephoneNumber" #user_phone: "telephoneNumber" # The field for the thumbnail photo of a user. Default: "thumbnailPhoto" #user_photo: "thumbnailPhoto" # The field for the division of a user. Default: "division" #user_division: "division" # The field for the company of a user. Default: "company" #user_company: "company" # The field for the display name of a user. Default: "displayName" user_display_name: "cn" # The field for the NameID of groups. Default: "cn" #group_nameid: "cn" # The Field for the full name of a group member. Default: "cn" #group_member_full_name: "cn" # The field for group members. Default: "member" #group_member: "member" genoslc: enabled: true # Set to false if you want to use Smartfacts only (no OSLC connection to itger tools). In this case you cann skip the rest of this "genoslc" section. env: authorizationUri: "<Authorization URL of identity provider>" tokenUri: "<Token URI of identity provider>" userInfoUri: "<UserInfo URI of identity provider>" trsEnabled: false # Set to true if you use Smartfacts as data source for a link index configuration: # Give a list of up to 5 usernames of users which will have the administration right to change settings in Smartfacts. # At leas one administrator user must be stated here. administrators: - <administrator1> # replace this value with the username of the person who should configure the oauth10a information for the OSLC Connector for Smartfacts # key used to encrypt the oauth10a configuration data oauth10aEncryptionKey: "" # define the key which is used to encrypt the oauth10a informatin in the database trsEnabled: false # Set to true if you use Smartfacts as data source for a link index keycloak: openldap: enabled: false mailservice: enabled: true filterEnabled: "false" serviceType: "smtp" # Replace with aws if AWS email service is used sender: "noreply@yourdomain" smtp: host: "" port: "25" startTLS: true SSLOnConnect: false username: "" password: "" aws: region: "AWS-Region" key: "AWS-Key" secret: "AWS-Secret" |