We have added a tools for link migration. As a first way to migrate links, Smartfacts supports two kinds of links import formats: XML and CSV.
You can find the import tool in “HamburgerMenu/Import Links”.
Following settings apply for both kinds of import:
Link File: The xml or the csv file accordingly
Model: The Smartfacts model, to which the links should be applied to
Target URI Pattern: The url, which is used to refer to the links target elements. Please ensure, that a target id placeholder {id} is contained in the url.
Provider: This value dertermines, which target domain should be used for the link. Currently OSLC, CODEBEAMER, JAMA is supported.
CHECK-Button: Check the values and calculates, how many links could be created
IMPORT-Button: Import the links in a transaction.
Import links by xml file
Select the XML page.
Smartfacts can read an XML file with the following structure:
Import Links in the main menu will open the following window that allows to specify the details for importing links from an XML file:
IMPORTANT: Please ensure that /item/{id} is used as path in the Target URI Pattern, otherwise the links will be created, however they will be not displayed at the corresponding Codebeamer items.
The Import Links menu item is only visible to Project Owners
Importing links via csv file
Select the CSV page and supply the requested parameters
The csv file may contain a header line; the values must be seperated by a semicolon ';'.
Target Identifier Column: Which column contains the Target identifier
Target Name Column Number: Which column contains the Target name
Link Type Column Number: Which column contains the Link type name
Source ID Column Number: Which column contains the source element id ( Tool Id ). There can be specified many ids seperated by a comma ','
First row contains header information: if checked, the first line in the csv file is omitted.
Example for a csv file, which matches the settings in the screenshot:
Target ID;Target Name;Link Type;Source Tool ID
1462;LightSource Switch On;Satisfies Requirement;id1,id2
1463;LightSource State initialization;Satisfies Requirement;id5,id6
1464;LightSource Latency;Satisfies Requirement;id7,id8