Docker 18.06.1-ce or newer, community edition
Docker-Compose 2.2 or newer
OpenShift based on Kubernetes, optional alternative to Docker-Compose
MID Smartfacts Platform
Dockerized Java-based standalone web server
OSLC Provider, based on Apache Tomcat and Eclipse Lyo
MID CAMP 2020.03 - Customer account management frontend
MID CAM Stub 2020.03 - Customer account management backend
MongoDB 4.2.7, primary database for storing Smartfacts, including search index and CAM Stub data
Kafka 2.4. (optional) for synchronizing users via CAMP and for connecting to the Mail Service
Zookeeper 3.5.5 (optional) for managing Kafka
NGINX 1.17.8, reverse http proxy
MID Mail Service 2020.02, optional for sending notification e-mails via SMTP or AWS mail
MID Maintenance Service 2020.02 (optional) for automatic backup and restore
User provisioning, supported methods: KeyCloak (on premises) for SAML2, OAuth2, OIDC, LDAP, SCIM