Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Where-used can be started from anywhere in the platform

  • Where-used can have one search object and the following options can be applied for the result:

    • Direct usage or usage along the path

    • Selection of the target concept (configuration or component)

    • Selection of a target concept type

    • Selection of a target concept instance (result will only include concepts of this instance)

    • Selection of target property filters

      • Only properties that have “Where-Used can be filtered by this Attribute" enabled are selectable here

Storage Locations

Storage locations are a generalized approach to manage the storage of configurations. This includes OSLC Configuration Providers, which were formally managed by “Friends”, as well as other software applications or even physical locations. Also, OAuth1.0a consumer are now also managed by storage locations instead of the “Consumers” section.

Permission rework


Viability tests with Atlas


Fixed inconveniences

Fixed Bugs