Breaking changes
The permission reword rework changed the schema of permissions and roles and the relation between the two.
For newly created spaces with this version of the application, the roles and permissions are correctly set up:→ the
The new space is automatically set up correctly with the new permission and role structure and comes with a
built-in Role admin role (role key: “roleAdmin”).
For existing spaces, you need to reset the roles and permissions:
delete Delete all permissions and roles (either before the update or directly in the DB).
(reRe)start the cdcm CDCM application with this version.
Helm Chart v 0.1.8
cleaned Cleaned up MongoDB values:-
“replicaCount” was moved up one tier and is no longer under “hidden”.
"“useStatefulSet” now defaults to “true”.
added proxy and resource options to JAVA_OPTS
added more comments to the values.yaml
Permission rework was implemented according to the agreed upon concept.
Key parts include:
simplified Simplified READ access: Read Permission for space mean read access to everything except confidential config areas and their content
Roles are identified via role key: makes it clearer what roles the user has in the auth provider
Differentiation between space and configuration area scoped roles and permissions
Maintain (create, update, delete) Permissions specific for each concept type