Breaking changes
The permission reword changed the schema of permissions and roles and the relation between the two.
For newly created spaces with this version of the application the roles and permissions are correctly set up:
→ the new space is automatically set up correctly with new permission and role structure and comes with a build in Role admin role (role key: “roleAdmin”).
For existing spaces you need to reset the roles and permissions:
delete all permissions and roles (either before the update or directly in the DB)
(re)start the cdcm application with this version
Helm Chart v 0.1.8
cleaned up MongoDB values:
- “replicaCount” was moved up one tier and is no longer under “hidden”.
- “useStatefulSet
" now defaults to “true”added proxy and resource options to JAVA_OPTS
added more comments to the values.yaml
Single Page Application V 0.1.8 - New Features
Where-used can be started from anywhere in the platform
Where-used can have one search object and the following options can be applied for the result:
Direct usage or usage along the path
Selection of the target concept (configuration or component)
Selection of a target concept type
Selection of a target concept instance (result will only include concepts of this instance)
Selection of target property filters
Only properties that have “
Where-Used can be filtered by this Attribute
" enabled are selectable here
Circular reference check was added
prevents existing circular references from breaking the where used with full path
prevents creation of circular references for new configuration items
Known issue: components cannot be selected as a target concept instance at the moment. A bug ticket was already created.
Permission rework
Permission rework was implemented according to the agreed upon concept.