The November release has numerous updates and changes across all levels of the Smartfacts solution: Smartfacts platform, Smartfacts plug-ins,
Smartfacts Platform
Introduction of the Pages Concept
Ensure that the existing Git servers have been correctly transferred / added to the External Servers section of the Model Warehouse Profile. Use the Text Connection button to ensure that connection and authentication are set up correctly:
In the updated Indexed Models page, the branches to be synchronized must be defined from scratch. To add a branch, click the Add Config button, select the Git server(s) and the desired branch. Repeat this for every branch of every Git repository supposed to be synchronized via the index:
New UI for the Smartfacts Global Configurations
Smartfacts provides its own Global Configuration Management concept which is vendor and platform independent and is based on the OSLC configuration management standard published by OASIS. Therefor, the Smartfacts project tree has a standard folder Global Components. This folder cannot be deleted and has a specific local menu that allows to add global components.
A global component can carry an arbitrary number of nested global configurations. Any global configuration may consist of local configurations and other global configurations.
The user simply maintains this structure in a tree. Any indexed model can be used to define a global configuration.
Headless Publishing
New Supported tools:
Headless publishing now supports the following for tools:
CAMEO/MagicDraw, Enterprise Architect, Rhapsody, Innovator
Change Detection for TWC:
For CAMEO models provided on TWC, change detection is supported based on the TWC commit id, so only models which have changed on TWC are updated.
Headless Publishing for CAMEO under Linux environment:
The Publisher now also runs in Linux environment for tool supporting running under Linux (CAMEO)
New Configuration switches:
doDeltaImport: Run We aim to provide an experience in which no single use has to manually publish models any more in order to update the published models. Therefor, we provide the possibility to use the client application of specific authoring tools as “headless publishers”. So far, these tools have been added to this concept:
Cameo Systems Modeler / MagicDraw / Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer
Enterprise Architect
For Cameo Systems Modeler and its derivatives, the change detection that identifies if a model has changed or not only works when using Teamwork Cloud. Headless publishing does not make sense in a file based scenario.
For Cameo Systems Modeler and its derivatives, the headless publisher now also runs in a Linux environment.
Headless publishing profiles: All parameters required for publishing automatically via a headless publisher are maintained in a headless publishing profile. In this file, we have two new parameters.
doDeltaImport: Run the headless publisher in delta import mode
. This reduces runtime, as only changed diagrams are
Update the latest existing version on
Smartfacts instead of writing a new version.
In oder to use the features, please ensure, that latest versions of the plugins are used.
Source Code Link Format
In this release, we have introduced an a very efficient abbreviated link format for source code links. It replaces the previous, JSON-based format, which is still readable from the plug-ins. The great benefit of this format is that while the OSLC links are stored in the source code, the base URL of the links is maintained outside the source code files. This means that changing the base URL will not require to apply any changes to the source code files and hence not require to re-test the whole application. To use the abbreviated link format, you must consider the following points:
if you are using the Eclipse plug-in, upgrade it to 2022.11.1 via the Get Plug-Ins functionality. (A corresponding VSCode plug-in will be provided available soon)
Configure the link format in the Source Code Links section of the Model Warehouse Profile.
There is a default link format for links to Smartfacts-internal elements, which produces the following links:
@(' ')
represents the language-specific comment pattern,oslc://
the global prefix,Elaborates
is an example of the link type,SUV2.6
denotes the unit name, andEL-40dc...
is the smartfacts ID of the referenced element.To enable abbreviated link format for a specific codebeamer instance, add the following into the root-level
Replace genoslc
with an arbitrary short identifier and the baseUrl
value with the genoslc codebeamer instance you want to work with. It is possible to maintain multiple codebeamer instances in parallel. A link created with this configuration looks like this:
Experimental: Traceability
We have added a first experimental version of the traceability browser. The traceability browser allows to analyze and visualize traces across multiple data sources based on the link index. It allows to select multiple data sources, filter the artifacts by specific filters and generate a traceability report.
The feature can be used from within the analysis center and defines a new analysis type called Traceability Browser.
IBM Jazz Integration
Update of picking / switching Jazz global configurations
We have updated the way you select a global context in the authoring tools, switch global configurations and examine the decomposition of a global configuration in your authoring tool. The new user experience has been implemented consistently across all modeling tools and all other authoring tools that use the concept of IBM ELM global configurations
##To be added by Christoph.
A major update of genOSLC for the IBM ELM platform has been released. Major new features are
Link validity - for the first time ever, a company has implemented an integration with IBM ELM with full compatibility in link validity in a global config management scenario. Links between genOSLC enhanced authoring tools and e.g. DOORS Next automatically are set to suspect when e.g. the DOORS Next requirement changes. The mechanism is compatible with the ELM platform architecture and will also be available for the tool integrations outside ELM
Baselining: A global configuration containing local configurations of a genOSLC enhanced authoring tool can be baselined from within the ELM global config management application. This automatically trigger the baselining process in the genOSLC enhanced authoring tool.
PTC Codebeamer
Improved Cameo Systems Modeler Integration
##To be added by Christoph
Felicity integration
##To be added by ChristophElements in diagrams that carry OSLC links are marked with a blue icon at the upper left corner of the element.
Traceability scenarios can be analyzed by using the Smartfacts generic table template. This template allow to add link information like linked artifact title, link type, link URI and linked tool name to the generic table.
Felicity integration
PTC has provided a new UI integration concept for Codebeamer. This concept allows to integrate UI components from an external application without having to exchange JSP files. We are leveraging this new integration concept. The details on how to integrate the Smartfacts UI components into a Codebeamer version of Felicity and newer can be take from the deployment help file.
Adding new requirements from
within the plug-ins
##To be added by ChristophWe now allow to add a Codebeamer requirement directly from within any modeling tool. Codebeamer’s governance model make sure that only users who have the right to add requirement are allowed to do so.
Jama Connect
Improved authentication of the API
We have improved the way our solution authenticates against the Jama Connect REST API. As a result, the user will have to authenticate manually less often.
Improved Cameo Systems Modeler Integration
Elements in diagrams that carry OSLC links are marked with a blue icon at the upper left corner of the element.
Traceability scenarios can be analyzed by using the Smartfacts generic table template. This template allow to add link information like linked artifact title, link type, link URI and linked tool name to the generic table.
Dassault Systèmes, Cameo Systems Modeler
Cameo diagram navigation inside delegated UIs
##To be added by ChristophThe delegated UI of a diagram now supports also to follow navigation links into other diagrams via a double click. This allows to navigate through the Cameo model within a delegated UI of a Cameo diagram.