Versions Compared


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  • Change to your user's home directory on the server and create a new text file values.yaml with the following content:

    Code Block
      domain: "<your-domain>"
      instance: "smartfacts-poc"
      registry: ""
      repologin: <login provided by MID>
        crtFullChain: "<FULL-CHAIN-CERT-BASE64>"
        key: "<CERT-KEY-BASE64>"
        enabled: true
        # Smartfacts supports Traefik and nginx as Ingress Controller. 
        # The default is Traefik.
        # If you use nginx as ingress controller please comment in this line:
        #ingressClassType: "nginx" 
        externalUrls: "" # space separated list of your tool urls (IBM Jazz, Jama, Codebeamer)
      importPlugins: true # "true" for first installation, "false" for minor updates will speed up the update process a lot
      enabled: true # Set to false if you want to use Smartfacts only (no OSLC connection to itgerother tools). In this case you canncan skip the rest of this "genoslc" section.
        trsEnabled: false # Set to true if you use Smartfacts as data source for a link index
          # Give a list of up to 5 usernames of users which will have the administration right to change settings in Smartfacts.
          # At leas one administrator user must be stated here.
            - acm # replace this value with the username of the person who should configure the oauth10a information for the OSLC Connector for Smartfacts
          # key used to encrypt the oauth10a configuration data
          oauth10aEncryptionKey: "" # define the key which is used to encrypt the oauth10a information in the database
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
  • Replace the value of the domain property with your domain name.

  • Replace the value of the repologin property with the value provided from MID.

  • Replace the placeholder of the crtFullChain property with the content of the file chain.crt.base64.

  • Replace the placeholder of the key property with the content of the key.base64 file.

  • Replace the placeholder for the externalUrls property with the URL of your Jama or Codebeamer instance. If you connect multiple instance delement the URLs with a space.

  • Save the values.yaml file.
