Connection routing is configured using the file connection-routing.yml
. This file has to be put in the application’s working directory.
The connection-routing.yml
can be placed into a kubernetes secret, and mounted into the CDCM container. The name of this secret is "cdcm-connection-routing", the value of is the connection-routing.yml
To integrate the connection-routing.yml file into your CDCM deployment, you need to create a secret called “cdcm-connection-routing” in the namespace of your cdcm deployment.
There are two ways to do this:
The simplest way to achieve this is to use kubectl:
Code Block |
kubectl create secret generic cdcm-connection-routing --from-file=connection-routing.yml=./connection-routing.yml -n cdcm |
f the secret has to be created manually or from a vault, you can use this template:
Code Block |
apiVersion: v1
connection-routing.yml: <base64 encoded content of the file connection-routing.yml>
kind: Secret
name: cdcm-connection-routing
namespace: cdcm
type: Opaque |
Save the file as connection-routing.yml
and apply it with:
Code Block |
kubectl apply -f connection-routing.yml -n <namespace> |
Example connection-routing.yml