Setting-Up the CAMP (Customer Accounts for MID Products)
Create the Account
This section is used to add the users who will be authorized to use the instance and to assign the licenses. When you open https://camp.<yoursmartfactsdomain>
, and log in with the user “acm” (password “acm”) you will be taken to account setup wizard.
In section 1, upload the license file MID has provided in step 4 by clicking the upload button in the upper right-hand corner and by selecting the license file.
In section 2, set an account name.
In section 3, synchronize the users from OpenLDAP to CAMP by clicking UPDATE USERS AND GROUPS.
Assign licenses to users and groups in the CAMP.
Check all users and/or groups that should have a license and Activate the control box for the user “acm@smartfacts.local” assign licenses by clicking ASSIGN LICENSES.
The creation of the account is now complete and licenses are assigned to the acm user.
Assign licenses to all users
Please log out from the camp an log in again. Now, that the account setup wizard is completed the camp shows the account administration page.
To activate the Smartfacts license for all users, follwo these steps:
Scroll to the ssection “Groups” at the bottom of the page
Create a new group called “Smartfacts users” and acitvate the slider “Automatically add all users to group”
Klick the button “ADD”
Scroll to the section “Licenses” at the top of the page
Klick on the “Assign licenses” symbol for the Smartfacts license
Change the filter from “SHOW ALL” to “ONLY GROUPS”
Activate the check box of the group “Smartfacts users”
Klick the button “CONFIRM”
Now all Users have a Smartfacts license assigned.
Create a Smartfacts Model Warehouse