Versions Compared


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  1. Scroll to the section “Groups” at the bottom of the page

  2. Create a new group called “Smartfacts users” and acitvate the slider “Automatically add all users to group”

    Image RemovedImage Added

  3. Klick the button “ADD”

  4. Scroll to the section “Licenses” at the top of the page

  5. Klick on the “Assign licenses” symbol for the Smartfacts license

    Image RemovedImage Added

  6. Change the filter from “SHOW ALL” to “ONLY GROUPS”

  7. Activate the check box of the group “Smartfacts users”

  8. Klick the button “CONFIRM”


It depends on which tools you want to use in connection with Smartfacts. Smartfacts provides a plug-in for every tool which is supported. You can download the plug-ins from the main menu via the command Get Plug-ins.


Show certtool logs

Show certtool output from Job

Code Block
sudo kubectl logs job.batch/smartfacts-certtool -c certtool -n smartfacts

Show Secret written by certtool (Attention: The secret does not exist if the certtool did not succeed!)

Code Block
sudo kubectl get secret smartfacts-truststore -o 'go-template={{index .data "certtool.log"}}' -n smartfact

Show Keycloak password

If it is necessary to login into the admin UI of Keycloak, the password for the admin user “keycloak-admin” can be optained by the following command.
