Prepare your infrastructure
Provide a Kubernetes Cluster
Please provide a server that meets the following requirements:
at least 3 Worker nodes, each with at least
CPU: 4
HARD DISK: an external volume of 150GB on which the mongodb data is stored (or replication (e.g. with Longhorn) of the data across at least three nodes with a minimum of 150GB each)
The Nodes should have access to an internal Container repository which is configured as a proxy repository to our MID-Repository
Create the DNS entries for Smartfacts Server and Subdomains
Set up DNS entries for the following FQDNs
genoslc-jama.<Server-FQDN> (if you connect to Jama using OSLC)
genoslc-codebeamer.<Server-FQDN> (if you connect to Codebeamer using OSLC)
Create an X.509 Certificate
Create the certificates according to the instructions on Creating and testing the Certificates for Smartfacts.
Get credentials and Smartfacts license
Please contact We will send you credentials for accessing our container & chart registry and the license according to your order.
Install Smartfacts
Customize Values File
Change to your user's home directory on the server and create a new text file values.yaml
with the following content:
Code Block |
domain: "<your-domain>"
instance: "smartfacts"
registry: ""
repologin: <login provided by MID>
crtFullChain: "<FULL-CHAIN-CERT-BASE64>"
key: "<CERT-KEY-BASE64>"
enabled: true
# if you use nginx as ingress controller please comment in this line:
#ingressClassType: "nginx"
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: true
filterEnabled: "false"
serviceType: "smtp" # Replace with aws if AWS email service is used
sender: "noreply@yourdomain"
host: ""
port: "25"
startTLS: true
SSLOnConnect: false
username: ""
password: ""
region: "AWS-Region"
key: "AWS-Key"
secret: "AWS-Secret" |
Replace the value of the domain property with your domain name.
Replace the placeholder of the crtFullChain property with the content of the file
.Replace the placeholder of the key property with the content of the
file.Fill out the mailservice variables to your needs
Save the
Install Smartfacts
Execute the Installation
Enter the following command to execute the Installation:
Code Block |
sudo helm upgrade --install --timeout 20m0s smartfacts mid-smartfacts/smartfacts -f values.yaml -n smartfacts --create-namespace |
Watch Deployment (in a new Session)
Open a second session on the server and enter the following command:
Code Block |
sudo watch kubectl get deployments -n smartfacts |
As soon as all deployments are available, the installation is ready.
Setting-Up the CAMP (Customer Accounts for MID Products)
This section is used to add the users who will be authorized to use the instance and to assign the licenses. When you open https://camp.<yoursmartfactsdomain>
, and log in with your credentials, you will be taken to this page:
In section 1, upload the license file MID has provided in step 4 by clicking the upload button in the upper right-hand corner and by selecting the license file.
In section 2, set an account name.
In section 3, synchronize the users from OpenLDAP to CAMP by clicking UPDATE USERS AND GROUPS.
Assign licenses to users and groups in the CAMP.
Check all users and/or groups that should have a license and assign licenses by clicking ASSIGN LICENSES.
The creation of the account is now complete and licenses are assigned to the users.
Create a Smartfacts Model Warehouse
Open the Smartfacts URL in your browser:
and log-in with the account manager credentials (user “acm”, password “acm”).You will now be asked to create a Model Warehouse.
In the create dialog, first select the previously created account.
Provide a name for the Model Warehouse.
Optionally, activate the check box Create Demo Models if you want some demo content to be added to the Model Warehouse.
Model Warehouse creation is the final step in the Smartfacts platform set-up process.