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The OSLC resource type, and OSLC domain must be present in the metamodel (either the default metamodel or a custom metamodel).

Link storage

Depending on the metamodel and the domain(s) that you have chosen you may need to be able to store created links in your application. Generally links in OSLC are only stored in only one of the two applications - in the logically dependent resource. e.g. when a test case validates a requirement, the test case is dependent on the requirement and thus stores the link to the requirement.

If your authoring tool will be storing links then your IToolAdapter interface must implement the following method:

Code Block
 public interface IToolAdapter {
 // ...
 void updateArtifactLinks(@NonNull String componentId,
                          @NonNull String localConfigurationId,
                          @NonNull String artifactConceptId,
                          @NonNull Set<LinkTao> links);

2) Define conceptual mapping between OSLC type and the types in your authoring tool


4) Transform the example application to retrieve data from your authoring tool.

This involves transforming the example implementation of the IToolAdapter so that it retrieves data from your server.

5) Create Resource Preview and other delegated UI elements

The only required UI element for a genOSLC integration is a Resource Preview. These are expected to be displayed in an iframe in an external application. The selection and creation dialogs are optional.

Resource Preview

This is a small web application that shows a preview of one of your resources. It is most often displayed by an external application a user hovers over a link to one of your resources .

Selection Dialog

This allows an external application to select a resource in your application, with the purpose of creating a link to your application. This is not necessary for all integrations e.g. links are only created when in the user is in your application.

Creation Dialog

This allows an external application to create a new resource in your application (e.g. a change request). This is only rarely required.