Code Block |
secrets: oauth2: wellknown: "https://<OIDC provider>/auth/realms/<REALM>/.well-known/openid-configuration" smartfacts: clientId: "<OIDC client>" clientSecret: "<OIDC client secret>" identity: OIDC_ISSUER: "https://<OIDC provider>/auth/realms/<REALM>" url: spa: scopes: "sf:bpmopenid" # state the scopes here in a space separated list nonce: "false" state: "false" # if true, Smartfacts generates a state parameter while getting the token from the OIDC provider. |
Code Block |
global: lcam: rules: - claimgroupName: "emailSmartfacts Users" valueclaim: "email" value: - "@" groupName: Smartfacts Users- "@" groupLicence: - "LIC_SMARTFACTS_USER" accountName: "Smartfacts Account" - claimgroupName: "emailAccount Administrators" valueclaim: "email" value: - account.administrator@your.domain groupName: Account Administrators- "account.administrator@your.domain" groupLicence: - "LIC_SMARTFACTS_USER" accountName: "Smartfacts Account" |
To adopt the rules to your environment, configure the necessary information in the file.
Code Block |
sudo helm upgrade --install --timeout 20m0s smartfacts mid-smartfacts/smartfacts -f values.yaml -f group-rules.yaml --version 4.67.45-genoslcv2 -n smartfacts --create-namespace |