Versions Compared


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In some situations, the Smartfacts server has no access to the internet. In this case, it is not possible to download the needed software and images. This article describes which options we have to install Smartfacts in such scenarios.



  • Change to the home directory of your user on the server and create a new text file values.yaml with the following content:

    Code Block
      domain: "<your-domain>"
      instance: "smartfacts-poc"
      registry: "library"
        crtFullChain: "<FULL-CHAIN-CERT-BASE64>"
        key: "<CERT-KEY-BASE64>"
        enabled: true
        # Smartfacts supports Traefik and nginx as Ingress Controller. 
        # The default is Traefik.
        # If you use nginx as ingress controller please comment in this line:
        #ingressClassType: "nginx" 
        externalUrls: "" # space separated list of your tool urls (IBM Jazz, Jama, Codebeamer)
      importPlugins: true # "true" for first installation, "false" for minor updates will speed up the update process a lot
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
  • Replace the value of the property domain with your domain name

  • Replace the placeholder of the property crtFullChain with the content of the file chain.crt.base64

  • Replace the placeholder of the property key with the content of the key.base64 file

  • Save the file values.yaml


titleProvide container images with a proxy container registry

Provide Container Images with a Proxy Container Registry

Please contact your administrators to add the Smartfacts registry to the proxy registry.

Add login data to the proxy registry

To connect to your proxy registry, you will need to add the proxy registry login information to your values.yaml file.

To do this, replace the placeholder in the following text and insert it into a file called “registrylogin.txt” on the Smartfacts server.

Code Block
    "<proxy registry name>" :
  • Replace the placehoder <proxy registry name> with the name of your proxy registry without protocol (e.g. write “”, not “”)

  • Replace the value of the fields “username” and “password” with the login data for your proxy registry

  • Save the file under the name “registrylogin.txt”

  • convert the login information to a base64-encoded string

    Code Block
    cat registrylogin.txt | base64 -w0 > registrylogin.base64
  • In the file “values.yaml” add a new line below the line beginning with “instance” with the content

    Code Block
      repologin: "<content of file registrylogin.base64>"
    • Replace the placehoder “<content of file registrylogin.txt>“ with the content of the file “registrylogin.base64”

    • Make sure that the indentation at the beginning of the line is exactly the same as in the line above

  • delet the files “registrylogin.txt” and “registrylogin.base64”


Code Block
sudo helm upgrade --install --timeout 15m0s smartfacts ./smartfacts -f values.yaml --version 4.67.05-genoslcv2 -n smartfacts --create-namespace
