elm-sync configuration is done in the Spring Boot application.yml file. The configuration associates one CDCM space with one or more ELM GCM serverservers, and lists the CDCM Configuration Areas that should be synchronized with ELM GCM. Configuration includes the following topics:
The elm-sync server configurationThe
spring application configuration including
security for oauth2 for CDCM access
SQLite database configuration for elm-sync
cdcm sever and API
ibm-elm server and API information
spring security for oauth2 for CDCM access
OAuth1.0a configuration for access to ELM GCM
The cdcm Configuration Area to ELM GCM server mappings
elm-sync uses the configuration information in the application.yml file to configure the CDCM and ELM GCM server URLs, access control and API information, and the list of CDCM Configuration Areas to sync. elm-sync then uses the CDCM TRS provider to read the change long log to replicate changes in CDCM in the corresponding project areas and resources in ELM GCM. elm-sync does not use the CDCM TRS base to determine what configuration areas to sync. Rather these the CDCM Configuration Areas to sync are explicitly defined in the configuration.area.mapping elements.
elm-sync also does not currently use the trs:cutoffEvent, assuming as it is always 0. This effectively means elm-sync assumes the TRS base is empty and all the TRS provider information is in the change log. This may need to be updated if when CDCM implements change log pruning.
The application.yml
defines various information elm-sync uses to determine what CDCM configuration areas should be synced to ELM GCM and how to access them through their authenticated APIs. Here’s an example application.yml file.
Code Block |
springelm-sync: # security:configuration for the elm-sync server oauth2: instance: clientname: ELM-SYNC-1 max-number-of-retries: 100 registration: retry-backoff: 100 max-number-of-unique-title-retries: 100 server: port: 8080 servlet: customcontext-path: #'custom' here can be anything "/sandbox" spring: security: oauth2: client-id: ${CLIENT_ID:genoslc-development} #genoslc-development registration: cdcm-client: client-secretid: ${CLIENT_SECRET:z0AMmptqxxuQBBiZc7FMJVAisvGmMadD}cdcm-client-id redirectclient-uri: http://localhost:${server.port}/${server.servlet.context-path}/login/oauth2/code/custom secret: secret scope: ${CLIENT_SCOPE:openid}service-user-roles authorization-grant-type: authorizationclient_codecredentials provider: custom: #'custom' here can be anythingcdcm-client: issuer-uri: https://keycloak.mid.de//realms/Smartfacts-Developmentcdcm user-name-attribute: ${USER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE:preferred_username} user-info-authentication-method: ${USER_INFO_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD:form} # header, form, query resourceserver: jwt: issuer-uri: https://keycloak.mid.de/realms/Smartfacts-Development/realms/cdcm elm-syncdatasource: # configuration for the elm-sync server instance:url: "jdbc:sqlite:/opt/elmsync/data/elmsync.db" driver-class-name: ELM-SYNC-1 org.sqlite.JDBC configurationusername: sa cdcm-configuration-url: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/objectMappingspassword: sa jpa: cdcmdatabase-urlplatform: https://www.example.com/ max-number-of-retries: 6 retry-backoff: 2 max-number-of-unique-title-retries: 50 server: port: ${PORT:8080} servlet: context-path: "/sandbox" org.hibernate.community.dialect.SQLiteDialect hibernate: ddl-auto: update show-sql: false cdcm: # the CDCM server instance and Space to use, one instance per elm-sync server api: host: https://cdcm.demo.smartfacts.com space-key: CDCM-IPKvRuZYUps1space_key ibm-elm: # the IBM ELM server instance to use, corresponds to a CDCM Space api: host: https://elmdemo.smartfactselm.com:9443 pa-creation-path: /gc/service/com.ibm.team.process.internal.service.web.IProcessWebUIService/projectArea pa-get-path: /gc/service/com.ibm.team.process.internal.service.web.IProcessWebUIService/allProjectAreas config-update-path: /gc/gc.webui.updateConfiguration datasourcesmartfacts: urloauth10a: jdbc:sqlite:/Users/jamsden/data/sqlite/elmsync.db driver-class-nameactive: org.sqlite.JDBCtrue usernameoutbound: sa passworddetails: sa jpa: database-platform name: org.hibernate.community.dialect.SQLiteDialect elm.com hibernate: ddlprotected-url-auto: updateroots: https://elm.com:9443/jts/**,https://elm.com:9443/rm/**,https://elm.com:9443/gc/** show-sql: true smartfacts: oauth10aconsumer-key: key active: true outbound:elm consumer-secret: secret details: rootservices: https://elm.com:9443/jts/rootservices inbound: realm- name: elmdemo.smartfacts.comsandbox-realm auto-approve-consumer-keys: true protectedauto-urlapprove-rootstokens: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/jts/**,https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/rm/**,https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/gc/** true details: consumer-key name: jamsden_authelm-inbound consumer-secretkey: Chajas3mat#key rootservicesconsumer-secret: secret https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/jts/rootservices configuration: area: mapping: - name: ibm-elm-qm source: cdcm_area_id protected-url-rootstarget: https://elmdemo.smartfactselm.com:9443/qm - consumer-key: consumer-key consumer-secret: secretsource: cdcm_area_id rootservicestarget: https://elmdemo.smartfactselm.com:9443/qm/rootservices inbound: - realm-name: sandbox-realm source: cdcm_area_id auto-approve-consumer-keys: true auto-approve-tokens: true details: - name: mid-elm-inbound consumer-key: bc2a6767-af53-417a-a97c-c9487804d5df consumer-secret: secret configuration: area: mapping: - source: 664f38242aac9257b5b0c79c target: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443 - source: 664f383b2aac9257b5b0c7a0 target: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443 - source: 664c7d15f7eb227a1021a7ce target: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443 |
elm-sync server configuration
elm-syn SQLite database configuration
elm-sync uses SQLite for persisting information about the CDCM configuration areas and ELM GCM project areas that are being synchronized. The information includes:
target: https://elm.com:9443 |
elm-sync server configuration
This section defines the elm-server configuration including the server port and context-path for accessing the elm-sync controllers, and server instance information. Note: the elm-sync controllers are only used for development and unit testing, there are no elm-sync REST services intended for customer use.
Code Block |
elm-sync: # configuration for the elm-sync server
name: ELM-SYNC-1
max-number-of-retries: 6
retry-backoff: 2
max-number-of-unique-title-retries: 50
port: 8080
context-path: "/sandbox" |
elm-syn Spring Boot Application Configuration
The elm-sync Spring Boot application configuration specifies information about:
CDCM OAuth2.0 security information
An SQLite database for persisting information about the CDCM configuration areas and ELM GCM project areas that are being synchronized.
Access to CDCM uses AOuth 2 which is configured for the Spring Boot application using the cdcm-client. Your CDCM administrator can provide your client-id and client-secret, and information on the provider.cdcm-client that does the authentication.
The database information includes:
The Configuration Area id
The ELM Server URL and corresponding project area URL
The trs:order number of the last trs:change event processed by elm-sync. Changes after this event will be processed on the next elm-sync scan cycle.
Code Block |
spring: datasourcesecurity: # tge /SQLiteoauth2: data source used by elm-sync client: url: jdbc:sqlite:/data/sqlite/elmsync.db driver-class-name: org.sqlite.JDBCregistration: username: sa cdcm-client: password: sa jpa: databaseclient-platform: org.hibernate.community.dialect.SQLiteDialectid: cdcm-client-id hibernate: ddlclient-autosecret: updatesecret show-sql: true |
CDCM sever and API
IBM ELM server and API information
CDCM Security Configuration
Access to CDCM uses AOuth 2 which is configured for the Spring Boot application
Code Block |
spring: security: oauth2scope: service-user-roles client: registrationauthorization-grant-type: client_credentials custom: #'custom' here can be anythingprovider: cdcm-client: clientissuer-iduri: ${CLIENT_ID:genoslc-development} #genoslc-developmenthttps://keycloak/realms/cdcm client-secretuser-name-attribute: ${CLIENT_SECRET:z0AMmptqxxuQBBiZc7FMJVAisvGmMadD}preferred_username resourceserver: redirect-uri: http://localhost:${server.port}/${server.servlet.context-path}/login/oauth2/code/customjwt: scopeissuer-uri: ${CLIENT_SCOPE:openid}https://keycloak/realms/cdcm datasource: authorization-grant-type: authorization_code url: "jdbc:sqlite:/opt/elmsync/data/elmsync.db" driver-class-name: org.sqlite.JDBC providerusername: sa password: sa customjpa: #'custom' here can be anything database-platform: org.hibernate.community.dialect.SQLiteDialect hibernate: issuerddl-uriauto: https://keycloak.mid.de/realms/Smartfacts-Developmentupdate show-sql: false |
CDCM Server and API
This section defines the CDCM server and space that is the source of configuration areas that will be synced to ELM GCM project areas.
Code Block |
cdcm: # the CDCM user-name-attribute: ${USER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE:preferred_username} user-info-authentication-method: ${USER_INFO_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD:form} # header, form, query resourceserver: jwt: issuer-uri: https://keycloak.mid.de/realms/Smartfacts-Development |
ELM GCM OAuth1.0a Security Configuration
elm-sync uses OAuth1.0a to access ELM GCM through the REST APIs. This access is done through a functional user whose ID is associated with a consumer key and secret.
Code Block |
smartfacts: oauth10a: active: true outbound:elm details: - name: elmdemo.smartfacts.com protected-url-roots: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/jts/**,https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/rm/**,https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/gc/** consumer-key: jamsden_auth server instance and Space to use, one instance per elm-sync server api: host: https://cdcm.com space-key: space_key |
IBM ELM server and API information
This section specifies the IBM ELM GCM server that will be synchronized with the CDCM space.
Code Block |
ibm-elm: # the IBM ELM server instance to use, corresponds to a CDCM Space
host: https://elm.com
pa-creation-path: /gc/service/com.ibm.team.process.internal.service.web.IProcessWebUIService/projectArea
pa-get-path: /gc/service/com.ibm.team.process.internal.service.web.IProcessWebUIService/allProjectAreas
config-update-path: /gc/gc.webui.updateConfiguration
Future considerations:
The pa-creation-path, pa-get-path and config-update-path are specified in ELM GCM private API. These paths are unlikely to change or could possibly be discovered and may not need to be configured manually. See https://jazz.net/gc/doc/scenarios.
The ibm-elm.api.host property limits elm-sync to syncing a single CDCM space to a single ELM GCM server. This will be updated to support multiple ELM GCM servers and this property will be removed, instead getting the value from the configuration.area.mapping.target value.
ELM GCM OAuth1.0a Security Configuration
elm-sync uses OAuth1.0a to access ELM GCM through the REST APIs. This access is done through a functional user whose ID is associated with a consumer key and secret.
Code Block |
smartfacts: oauth10a: active: true outbound: details: consumer-secret name: some_passwordelm.com rootservicesprotected-url-roots: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/jts/rootservices - name: ibm-elm-qm protected-url-roots: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/qm consumer-key: consumer-keyelm.com:9443/jts/**,https://elm.com:9443/rm/**,https://elm.com:9443/gc/** consumer-key: key consumer-secret: secret rootservices: https://elm.com:9443/jts/rootservices inbound: realm-name: sandbox-realm auto-approve-consumer-keys: true auto-approve-tokens: true details: - name: elm-inbound consumer-key: key consumer-secret: secret |
The outbound.details provide the information elm-sync need to be able to access ELM GCM services using OAuth1.0a for authentication.
The smartfacts.oauth10a.inbound.relm-name is required, but not currentluy used. It is included for future use.
Creating the ELM GCM functional id
elm-sync access the ELM GCM REST APIs using OAuth1.0a and a functional id. The is the most reliable way to do server to server communication with ELM servers because they all use OAuth1.0a to configure consumer/friend relationships to allow the ELM servers to talk to each other. OAuth1.0a can be reliably depended on to be supported by ELM servers.
For elm-sync to access ELM GCM, you must register elm-sync with the ELM Jazz Team Server (JTS) as a consumer (inbound) connection, with consumer key and secret. Then you need to associate that consumer with a functional id that has JazzAdmins, JazzUsers and JazzProjectAdmins repository permissions. Here a brief summary of the steps
Navigate to the Jazz Team Server Administration Home page
Manage or create users and create the functional id with JazzAdmins, JazzUsers and JazzProjectAdmins repository permissions
Click Manage Server and then Communication > Consumers (Inbound)
Use the Register Consumer form to create a Trusted Consumer Key with a Consumer Secret. This is the same information that will be used in the smartfacts.oauth10a.outbound.details entry in the application.yml file.
Edit the newly created Authorized Key and set the Functional User ID to the Id you create above:
CDCM Configuration Area to ELM GCM Server Mappings
This section maps the CDCM configuration area to the ELM GCM server used to create the corresponding project area.
Code Block |
configuration: area: mapping: - consumer-secretsource: secretcdcm_area_id rootservicestarget: https://elmdemoelm.smartfacts.com:9443/qm/rootservices - inbound: realm-name: sandbox-realmsource: cdcm_area_id auto-approve-consumer-keys: truetarget: https://elm.com:9443 auto-approve-tokens: true- details:source: cdcm_area_id - name: mid-elm-inbound consumer-key: bc2a6767-af53-417a-a97c-c9487804d5df consumer-secret: secret |
The outbound.details provide the information elm-sync need to be able to access ELM GCM services using OAuth1.0a for authentication.
The inbound.relm-name is used for the elm-sync REST API services defined in the com.mid.smartfacts.cdcm.elmc.controllers classes:
ElmApplicationController: provides rootservices, service provider catalog and about information for elm-sync
TestConfigurationAreaReaderController: implements various fixed test cases for accessing CDCM Configuration Areas
TestController: implements various test cases for accessing CDCM and ELM GCM resources, useful for developing automate test cases and for exploring implementation options and issues
Creating the ELM GCM functional id
elm-sync access the ELM GCM REST APIs using OAuth1.0a and a functional id. The is the most reliable way to do server to server communication with ELM servers because they all use OAuth1.0a to configure consumer/friend relationships to allow the ELM servers to talk to each other. OAuth1.0a can be reliably depended on to be supported by ELM servers.
For elm-sync to access ELM GCM, you must register elm-sync with the ELM Jazz Team Server (JTS) as a consumer (inbound) connection, with consumer key and secret. Then you need to associate that consumer with a functional id that has JazzAdmins, JazzUsers and JazzProjectAdmins repository permissions. Here a brief summary of the steps
Navigate to the Jazz Team Server Administration Home page
Manage or create users and create the functional id with JazzAdmins, JazzUsers and JazzProjectAdmins repository permissions
Click Manage Server and then Communication > Consumers (Inbound)
Use the Register Consumer form to create a Trusted Consumer Key with a Consumer Secret. This is the same information that will be used in the smartfacts.oauth10a.outbound.details entry in the application.yml file.
Edit the newly created Authorized Key and set the Functional User ID to the Id you create above:
CDCM Configuration Area to ELM GCM Server Mappings
Note: Although a configuration.area.mapping.target specifies the URL of the ELM GCM server, this URL must be the same as ibm-elm.api.host. elm-sync is currently configured to sync one CDCM server with one ELM GCM server. A different instance of elm-sync could be used to sync different CDCM and ELM GCM servers.
Future consideration: Support configuration of multiple CDCM and ELM GCM servers in a single elm-sync implementation:
Change configuration.area.mapping.source to a URL link to the CDCM configuration area, instead of just its ID
Derive the ibm-elm.api information for the configuration.area.mapping.target URL through discovery
elm-sync is configured using the Spring Boot project file application.yml
. This file has to be put in the application’s resources folder. Spring Boot profiles can be used for different configurations such as application-local.yml
for local development, and application-prod.yml
for production.
The application.yml
contains security sensitive information such as consumer keys and secrets, and should be placed into a kubernetes secret, and mounted into the CDCM container. The name of this secret is "elm-sync", the value of is the application.yml
To integrate the application.yml file into your CDCM deployment, you need to create a secret called “elm-sync” in the namespace of your CDCM deployment.
There are two ways to do this:
Code Block |
kubectl create secret generic elm-sync --from-file=application.yml=./resources/application.yml -n cdcm |
If the secret has to be created manually or from a vault, use this template:
Code Block |
apiVersion: v1
application.yml: <base64 encoded content of the file application.yml>
kind: Secret
name: elm-sync
namespace: cdcm
type: Opaque |
Save the file as application.yml
and apply it with:
Code Block |
kubectl apply -f application.yml -n <namespace> |
The following tables define each of the leave properties in the elm-sync configuration. See the example above for the property paths.
CDCM OAuth 2: spring.security.oauth2
Key | Description |
| The CDCM server OAuth 2 client id |
| The CDCM server OAuth 2 client secret |
Persistance: datasource
URL of the SQLite database. This database will be created if it does not exist.
The SQLite driver class name, usually org.sqlite.JDBC
Possible values are GET
and ALL
The SQLite database user name
target: https://elm.com:9443 |
Note: Although a configuration.area.mapping.target specifies the URL of the ELM GCM server, this URL must currently be the same as ibm-elm.api.host
. elm-sync is currently configured to sync one CDCM server with one ELM GCM server. A different instance of elm-sync could be used to sync different CDCM and ELM GCM servers.
Future consideration: Support configuration of multiple CDCM and ELM GCM servers in a single elm-sync implementation:
Change configuration.area.mapping.source to a URL link to the CDCM configuration area, instead of just its ID
Derive the ibm-elm.api information for the configuration.area.mapping.target URL
elm-sync is configured using the Spring Boot project file application.yml
. The location of this files specified in the docker-compose.yaml file. Spring Boot profiles can be used for different configurations such as application-local.yml
for local development, and application-prod.yml
for production.
The application.yml
contains security sensitive information such as consumer keys and secrets, and should be placed into a kubernetes secret, and mounted into the elm-sync container. The name of this secret is "elm-sync", the value of is the application.yml
To integrate the application.yml file into your elm-syn deployment, you need to create a secret called “elm-sync” in the namespace of your elm-sync deployment.
There are two ways to do this:
Code Block |
kubectl create secret generic elm-sync --from-file=application.yml=./resources/application.yml -n cdcm |
If the secret has to be created manually or from a vault, use this template:
Code Block |
apiVersion: v1
application.yml: <base64 encoded content of the file application.yml>
kind: Secret
name: elm-sync
namespace: cdcm
type: Opaque |
Save the file as application.yml
and apply it with:
Code Block |
kubectl apply -f application.yml -n <namespace> |
The following tables define each of the properties in the elm-sync configuration that users will need to provide. See the example above for the property paths.
elm-sync Server Configuration: elm-sync, server
Key | Description |
| A name for this elm-sync server instance |
| Maximum number of retries for REST calls. |
| Number of seconds between retries. |
| Maximum number of retries for unique dcterms.title for an ELM GCM resource. |
| The port for the elm-sync server |
| /sandbox, the path for the elm-sync controllers e.g., http://localhost:8080/sandbox/api/v1/objectMappings |
elm-sync Persistance: datasource
Key | Description |
| URL of the SQLite database. This database will be created if it does not exist. |
| The SQLite database user name |
| The SQLite database password |
CDCM Server: cdcm
Specifies the CDCM server and space key to synchronize with ELM GCM:
Key | Description |
| URL of the CDCM server to synchronize |
| The key of the Space containing the Configuration Areas to sync to ELM GCM |
CDCM Security: spring.security.oauth2
Specifies the CDCM OAuth 2 security information.
Key | Description |
| The CDCM server OAuth 2 client id |
| The CDCM server OAuth 2 client secret |
IBM ELM Server: ibm-elm
Specifies the IBM ELM GCM server that will be synchronized with the CDCM Space.
Key | Description |
| URL of the ELM GCM server to synchronize with |
Future consideration: these API paths are defined by the GCM REST API at https://jazz.net/gc/doc/scenarios and https://jazz.net/jts/doc/scenarios and may not be need to be configured manually.
ELM GCM Security Configuration: smartfacts.oauth10a
Provides the information needed for elm-sync to authenticate with ELM GCM and JTS using OAuth1.0a.
Key | Description |
| Whether the connection is active or not |
| |
| A list of outbound connections to servers authenticated with OAuth1.0a |
| Path of the ELM GCM service to create a project area. |
| A comma separated list of URI patters to resources protected by this connection configuration |
| The consumer key for the consumer connection |
| The consumer secret for the |
CDCM Configuration Area Mappings: configuration.area.mapping
This is a list of the CDCM configuration area IDs to ELM GCM server URI mappings.
Key | Description |
| CDCM Configuration Area ID |
| ELM GCM server URI, should be the same as |