Please provide a server that meets the following requirements:
at least 3 Worker nodes with each minimum of, each with at least
CPU: 4
HARD DISK: an external volume of 150GB on which the mongodb data is stored (or replication (e.g. with Longhorn) of the data across at least three nodes with a minimum of 150GB each)
The Nodes should have access to an internal Container repository which is configured as a proxy repository to our MID-Repository repo.mid.de
Code Block |
global: domain: "<your-domain>" instance: "smartfacts" registry: "repo.mid.de" repologin: <login provided by MID> cert: crtFullChain: "<FULL-CHAIN-CERT-BASE64>" key: "<CERT-KEY-BASE64>" ingress: enabled: true # if you use nginx as ingress controller please comment in this line: #ingressClassType: "nginx" env: genoslc: tool: type: "" # insert "CB" for Codebeamer or "JA" for Jama url: ""enabled: false keycloak: openldap: enabled: false mailservice: enabled: true filterEnabled: "false" serviceType: "smtp" # Replace with aws if AWS email service is used sender: "noreply@yourdomain" smtp: host: "" port: "25" startTLS: true SSLOnConnect: false username: "" password: "" aws: region: "AWS-Region" key: "AWS-Key" secret: "AWS-Secret" |