ADMIN_TOKEN | Specifies an administrative token, if any, for added security or administrative access. |
ALLOWED_CORS_ORIGINS | Specifies the origins that are allowed to access the server, for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). |
CONTEXT_PATH | The base URI context path for the server. If not set, defaults to the root context. |
CORS_ENABLED | Enables or disables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) at the security level. |
CSRF_ENABLED | Enables or disables Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection. |
DB_PREFIX | Prefix for the MongoDB database names. Default is CDCM. |
MONGO_HOST | Defines the hostname of the MongoDB server. Defaults to localhost if not provided. |
MONGO_PORT | The port on which MongoDB is running. Defaults to 27017. |
MONGO_REPL_SET_HOSTNAMES | Specifies the hostnames for the MongoDB replica set. |
MONGO_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED | Enables or disables MongoDB transactions. Defaults to true. |
MONGO_URI | Custom MongoDB connection string. By default, it builds from the specified host and port. |
OAUTH10A_ACTIVE and OAUTH10A_ENABLE | Control whether OAuth 1.0a is active and enabled in the application. |
OAUTH10A_CONSUMER_KEY | Consumer key for OAuth 1.0a authentication. |
OAUTH10A_CONSUMER_SECRET | Consumer secret for OAuth 1.0a authentication. |
OAUTH10A_NAME | The name for the OAuth 1.0a configuration. |
OAUTH10A_PROTECTED_URL_ROOT | Specifies the protected URLs for OAuth 1.0a authentication (comma seperated). |
OAUTH10A_ROOT_SERVICE_URL | URL for the OAuth 1.0a root services. |
PORT | Sets the port on which the server will listen. Default is 8080 if not specified. |
PUBLIC_URL | The public-facing URL of the server, used for building absolute URLs. Default is http://localhost with the specified server port. |
X_FRAME_SAME_ORIGIN | Controls the 'X-Frame-Options' header for clickjacking protection. Defaults to true. |
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