elm-sync configuration is done in the Spring Boot application.yml file. The configuration associates one CDCM space with one ELM GCM server, and lists the CDCM Configuration Areas that should be synchronized with ELM GCM. Configuration includes the following topics:
spring security for oauth2 for CDCM access
The SQLite database configuration for elm-sync
The elm-sync server configuration
cdcm and ibm-elm API information
OAuth1.0a configuration for access to ELM GCM
The cdcm Configuration Area to ELM GCM server mappings
Access to CDCM uses AOuth 2 which is configured for the Spring Boot application
spring: security: oauth2: client: registration: custom: #'custom' here can be anything client-id: ${CLIENT_ID:genoslc-development} #genoslc-development client-secret: ${CLIENT_SECRET:z0AMmptqxxuQBBiZc7FMJVAisvGmMadD} redirect-uri: http://localhost:${server.port}/${server.servlet.context-path}/login/oauth2/code/custom scope: ${CLIENT_SCOPE:openid} authorization-grant-type: authorization_code provider: custom: #'custom' here can be anything issuer-uri: https://keycloak.mid.de/realms/Smartfacts-Development user-name-attribute: ${USER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE:preferred_username} user-info-authentication-method: ${USER_INFO_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD:form} # header, form, query resourceserver: jwt: issuer-uri: https://keycloak.mid.de/realms/Smartfacts-Development
elm-sync uses SQLite for persisting information about the CDCM configuration areas and ELM GCM project areas that are being synchronized. The information includes:
The Configuration Area id
The ELM Server URL and corresponding project area URL
The trs:order number of the last trs:change event processed by elm-sync. Changes after this event will be processed on the next elm-sync scan cycle.
datasource: # tge /SQLite data source used by elm-sync url: jdbc:sqlite:/data/sqlite/elmsync.db driver-class-name: org.sqlite.JDBC username: sa password: sa jpa: database-platform: org.hibernate.community.dialect.SQLiteDialect hibernate: ddl-auto: update show-sql: true
elm-sync is configured using the Spring Boot project file application.yml
. This file has to be put in the application’s resources folder. Spring Boot profiles can be used for different configurations such as application-local.yml
for local development, and application-prod.yml
for production.
The application.yml
contains security sensitive information such as consumer keys and secrets, and should be placed into a kubernetes secret, and mounted into the CDCM container. The name of this secret is "elm-sync", the value of is the application.yml
To integrate the application.yml file into your CDCM deployment, you need to create a secret called “elm-sync” in the namespace of your CDCM deployment.
There are two ways to do this:
kubectl create secret generic elm-sync --from-file=application.yml=./resources/application.yml -n cdcm
If the secret has to be created manually or from a vault, use this template:
apiVersion: v1 data: application.yml: <base64 encoded content of the file application.yml> kind: Secret metadata: name: elm-sync namespace: cdcm type: Opaque
Save the file as application.yml
and apply it with:
kubectl apply -f application.yml -n <namespace>
Example application.yml
This examples defines various external servers and their required authentication mechanisms and a Gateway Proxy configuration. Connections to the Gateway Proxy in this example are authenticated using OAuth 2.0.
spring: security: oauth2: client: registration: custom: #'custom' here can be anything client-id: ${CLIENT_ID:genoslc-development} #genoslc-development client-secret: ${CLIENT_SECRET:z0AMmptqxxuQBBiZc7FMJVAisvGmMadD} redirect-uri: http://localhost:${server.port}/${server.servlet.context-path}/login/oauth2/code/custom scope: ${CLIENT_SCOPE:openid} authorization-grant-type: authorization_code provider: custom: #'custom' here can be anything issuer-uri: https://keycloak.mid.de/realms/Smartfacts-Development user-name-attribute: ${USER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE:preferred_username} user-info-authentication-method: ${USER_INFO_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD:form} # header, form, query resourceserver: jwt: issuer-uri: https://keycloak.mid.de/realms/Smartfacts-Development elm-sync: # configuration for the elm-sync server instance: name: ELM-SYNC-1 configuration: cdcm-configuration-url: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/objectMappings cdcm-url: https://www.example.com/ max-number-of-retries: 6 retry-backoff: 2 max-number-of-unique-title-retries: 50 server: port: ${PORT:8080} servlet: context-path: "/sandbox" cdcm: # the CDCM server instance and Space to use, one instance per elm-sync server api: host: https://cdcm.demo.smartfacts.com space-key: CDCM-IPKvRuZYUps1 ibm-elm: # the IBM ELM server instance to use, corresponds to a CDCM Space api: host: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443 pa-creation-path: /gc/service/com.ibm.team.process.internal.service.web.IProcessWebUIService/projectArea pa-get-path: /gc/service/com.ibm.team.process.internal.service.web.IProcessWebUIService/allProjectAreas config-update-path: /gc/gc.webui.updateConfiguration datasource: url: jdbc:sqlite:/Users/jamsden/data/sqlite/elmsync.db driver-class-name: org.sqlite.JDBC username: sa password: sa jpa: database-platform: org.hibernate.community.dialect.SQLiteDialect hibernate: ddl-auto: update show-sql: true smartfacts: oauth10a: active: true outbound:elm details: - name: elmdemo.smartfacts.com protected-url-roots: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/jts/**,https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/rm/**,https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/gc/** consumer-key: jamsden_auth consumer-secret: Chajas3mat# rootservices: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/jts/rootservices - name: ibm-elm-qm protected-url-roots: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/qm consumer-key: consumer-key consumer-secret: secret rootservices: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/qm/rootservices inbound: realm-name: sandbox-realm auto-approve-consumer-keys: true auto-approve-tokens: true details: - name: mid-elm-inbound consumer-key: bc2a6767-af53-417a-a97c-c9487804d5df consumer-secret: secret configuration: area: mapping: - source: 664f38242aac9257b5b0c79c target: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443 - source: 664f383b2aac9257b5b0c7a0 target: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443 - source: 664c7d15f7eb227a1021a7ce target: https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443
The following tables define each of the leave properties in the elm-sync configuration. See the example above for the property paths.
CDCM OAuth 2: spring.security.oauth2
Key | Description |
| The CDCM server OAuth 2 client id |
| The CDCM server OAuth 2 client secret |
Persistance: datasource
Key | Description |
| URL of the SQLite database. This database will be created if it does not exist. |
| The SQLite driver class name, usually Possible values are |
| The SQLite database user name |
password | The SQLite database password |
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