Prepare the Deployment
Add library Repository for the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer
You will need a username and password to download the helm chart and containers from MID's repository. You will receive username and password from your MID contact or from
sudo helm repo add library --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD>
sudo helm repo update
Customize Values File
Change to your user's home directory on the server and create a new text file
with the following content:
global: domain: "<your-domain>" registry: "" repologin: "<login provided by MID>" cert: crtFullChain: "<FULL-CHAIN-CERT-BASE64>" key: "<CERT-KEY-BASE64>" oidc: clientId: "<OIDC client ID>" clientSecret: "<OIDC client secret>" env: tool: type: "preevision" adaptedToolApiUri: "https://<URI>/vCollabAPI" adaptedToolRootUri: "https://<URI>" getReqTree: “metric/<number>“ getProductlinesRequs: “metric/<number>“ getReqTable: “metric/<number>“ getProductLine: “metric/<number>“ mongodb: enabled: true certtool: enabled: true
Install the OSLC Connector for PREEvision
Execute the Installation
Enter the following command to execute the Installation:
sudo helm upgrade --install genoslc-preevision library/genoslc -f preevision_values.yaml --version 2.6.0-genoslcv2 -n genoslc-preevision --create-namespace