Helm Chart
fixed ReplicaSet configuration, based on the recommendations from MongoDB. Do not use arbiter and set .Values.mongodb.hidden.replicaCount in values.yaml to either “1” or “3”. For testing, “1” is recommended.
Single Page Application V 0.1.7
New Features
Fixed inconveniences
Fixed Bugs
New Features
Configure MongoDB Replica Sets:
set .Values.mongodb.hidden.replicaCount in values.yaml to either “1” or “3”. “1” is recommended for testing.
include the replica set nodes into the mongoDb connection string
Improvements to configuration item browser:
CIs can now be organized into groups
Order of CIs can be changed via drag and drop. Also works inside CI groups. Caveat: Only works reliably with new CIs created after deployment.
Fixed Inconveniences
T0059 - MasterData API Single Row Update: Updating a single row via the MasterData API is now possible. View endpoint in swagger UI
T0230 - Master Data Bulk Creation: Capability to create multiple lines of a master data table at once, such as adding 1000 manager names simultaneously. View endpoint in swagger UI
T0032 - Feedback on Save Action: Enhanced user feedback when 'Save' is hit, reducing errors and confirming successful processing.
T0121 - MongoDB User & Password Configuration: Now configure user and password in the MongoDB connection string. Format:
Fixed Bugs:
T0033 - Complete Deletion of Master Data Table: Resolved issue where deleting a master data table and its rows via API did not fully remove all components.
T0257 - SpaceID Validation in API Calls: Universal check implemented to ensure provided hierarchy validity, preventing ghost spaces creation.