Helm Chart - no new version
Single Page Application
Breaking changes
no breaking changes in this release
UI improvements
Excel export support for Search and Where Used results
Enhanced the Configuration Item Browser grid scrolling behavior
the horizontal scrollbar width didn’t get updated after a column resized
the horizontal scrollbar position didn’t get changed if the area scrolled horizontally with touch pad
Github integration v2
Selection of tags of a repo is now possible
Selection of private repos works now in all cases (there was a bug previously, where private repos where not shown when a owner was specified)
search results for repos and owners are now improved
owner search: uses given query string to only searches in owner name (before also the description and other fields where searched which lead to sub optimal search results)
repo search: uses given query string to only searches in repo name (before also the description and other fields where searched which lead to sub optimal search results)
Bug fixes
Unit-Test-Run results
Results Pentest-Scan (DAST)