The following is a step-by-step guide to building a genOSLC based integration to your authoring tool.
1) Select domain and resource types for your authoring tool
Specify which OSLC domain or domains and resource types will be supported by your integration. See: OSLC Specifications. These domains and types must be listed in the genOSLC metamodel which may be extended see:genOSLC Metamodel. The metamodel is used to determine which links may be created between resources.
Specify the OSLC domains and resource types that are supported by your authoring tool in Application.YML, as seen below.
smartfacts: genoslc: oslc-domains: # OSLC domain supported by this integration - domain: types: [ { # OSLC resource type type: "", # Custom label for this type of resource e.g. "My Test Case" label: "Test Case" } ]
The OSLC resource type, and OSLC domain must be present in the metamodel (either the default metamodel or a custom metamodel)
2) Define conceptual mapping between OSLC type and the types in your authoring tool
genOSLC provides a class model for important OSLC types see: Tool Adapter Objects. The classes in this model must mapped to classes in your authoring tool.
Service Provider
A Service Provider represents a grouping of resources often belonging to a particular project, or program. The Service Provider is often mapped to concepts such as ‘Project’, or ‘Project Area’. The Service Provider owns a group of Components.
A Component is the smallest configurable container in OSLC. Configurable means ability to have branches, streams, and or baselines. The primary purpose of a component is to be a container of resources - both artifacts and scheme resources.
A component is often mapped to an individual document or configurable group of documents. The following are example of objects which might be represented as a component.
Codebeamer Tracker
Codebeamer Working Set
DOORS Classic Module
Microsoft Word document
An individual component may only belong to on Service Provider.
In some authoring tools there is always one-to-one relationship between a Service Provider and a Component. When this is the case the following should be set in the Application.YML. This will allow genOSLC to provide a cleaner user interface.
smartfacts: genoslc: service-provider-component-singleton: true
Tn Artifact is a genOSLC class representing a user created ALM resource e.g. requirement, test case, work item etc.
An artifact must have a stable conceptId.