Share allows you to generate links that can be used to reference the currently-loaded content in the left, right or in both compartments of the split view and copy them to the clipboard.
The link will always carry the project information of the project which is currently active. This means that navigating a link will open a new browser window, load Smartfacts, navigate into the right Model Warehouse, set the correct project which the share link has been generated under and load the content.
The Version drop-down allows you to link to the specific version of the diagram that is currently loaded or to always link to the latest version.
The Link Type drop-down allows you to define the link format to be generated in order to share content, e.g. a diagram, an analysis, an excel sheet or a model element's property grid in various environments. The user may select between these formats:
https Links
You can embed these links into an e-mail or website. They will navigate a user to Smartfacts and open the content.
OSLC Links
This is a link to the content in the original OSLC format.
iFrame HTML
You can use this code snippet to embed an iFrame into your website, showing the content.
Popup HTML
You can use this code snippet to embed a link into your website. A pop-up showing the content will open when you hover on the link.
asciidoc Container
You can embed this code snippet into an asciidoc page to show a container that provides the content.
asciidoc Link
You can embed this code snippet into an asciidoc page to show a link. On hover, the link will open a pop-up that provides the content.
The three buttons right of the link text boxes copy the link to the clipboard.