Open the analysis center via the screen menu.
Select the check traceability analysis from the drop-down menu.
Select the SysML model as a context from your project tree.
Select the link types by which the analysis should be filtered.
Select the relevant element types.
Option a: All element types
Option b: Selected element types
For this option you select all elements types that should be taken into account.
Click Start.
You can store the analysis definition in the project tree via the store analysis button. This allows to start the analysis just by double-clicking the stored analysis in the project tree.
A stored analysis can also be called from the plug-in by selecting the project tab, and clicking the open in local viewer command in the local menu of the analysis definition.
The result of the analysis is rendered in a table in the results tab. Alternatively it can also be viewed in an Excel Sheet in the results grid. The Excel Sheet can be downloaded to your local machine for archiving.