Tool Specifics Matlab Simulink

Tool Specifics Matlab Simulink

Installing the Smartfacts plugin

  1. Unpack the installer zip file to a folder of your choice.

  2. Ensure that the Matlab file pathdef.m is writeable for the install user.
    You can find the pathdef.m file by calling
    which pathdef"

  3. Locate the path the setup_smartfacts.m file in the file

  4. Open Matlab and run the setup_smartfacts.m file in the console.

  5. IMPORTANT: Please ensure, the path for Smartfacts Scripts is the last of the imported paths. Otherwise you may have negative impact on the Search/Find functionality of Matlab/Simulink.

Accessing the smartfacts plugin within Matlab

Accessing via Diagram Context Menu

Open one diagram in the Matlab model.

Right click / Context Click in the diagram

In the Context Menu the menu for opening the Smartfacts plugin will appear.
”Smartfacts/Open Smartfacts plugin” will open the Smartfacts plugin

“Smartfacts/Publish to Smartfacts” will open the publishing wizard.


Accessing via Menu in the Ribbon Bar

You can also find the Smartfacts plugin access in the Ribbon Bar of Matlab.

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