NUI_The Project Tree
Access to the Project Tree
The project tree is a hierarchical structure that carries all the content of a project, such as models, versions, refernces to external models, such as Codebeamer oder Jama Connect content, files, analysis definitions, pages, etc.
There are three ways to use the project tree:
You can access the project tree via the screen menu on the left under My Project.
The project tree is available in My Content in the Navigate tab. Whenever you click into a segment of a breadcrumb of a diagram pane, My Content will open, the Navigate tab will be selected and the project tree will expand to the node that corresponds to the breadcrumb segment.
You can load the project tree into a tab on the left or right side of the split view. This option is useful when comparing different models.
Open My Project
Select Load Tree Left / Right to load the tree to the left or right compartment of the split view
Using the Project Tree
A model is represented by its tool icon. In the tree, every model node has a drop-down list with all versions of the model. Select a version from the list and drill into the model.
You can consume the details of each node of the project tree by hovering ('rich hover') with the mouse over the node icon. References to model elements or diagrams may also be found within the content. Rich-hovering the icons of a node allows you to instantly navigate through the details of a complete model.
Loading Artifacts into a Tab
There are various ways to load artifacts, such as diagrams or model elements, analysis definitions or pages into a new tab:
Select an artifact in the project tree and click Load Left or Load Right.
Select an artifact in the project tree and drag it into other side of the split view.
Select an artifact in the project tree and double-click it to open it on the other side of the split view.
Rich-hover an element or diagram, navigate into the model by rich-hovering over elements again and use Load Left or Load Right to open the content in the split view.
Local Menu
The project tree also has a local menu in its upper-right corner that allows you to filter the tree to diagrams only.
Context Menus
To maintain the project tree, select the local menu of a node in the tree structure. This will allow the following actions:
Adding, renaming or deleting a folder
Simply provide the name of the folder and save it to the tree. Rename it or delete it. You can only delete it if it is empty. You might not be able to delete it although it appears to be empty. This might happen if it contains content which you cannot see.
Working with Pages
You can add a Page to the Project Tree and add rich text to it including links, references to model artifacts, etc. Pages can have an arbitrary number of child-pages.
Checking the Master-Page checkbox will automatically load this page whenever Smartfacts starts up.Adding a model to a folder
There are two ways of adding a model to a folder:
Use the tool plug-in for Cameo, Enterprise Architect, Innovator, MagicDraw, Matlab Simulink or Rhapsody to load and publish a model
Right-click a folder and select Add a model for the standard file formats ReqIF and BPMN-XML and the model files of ARIS (*.aml), Cameo, MagicDraw or Rhapsody.
Adding a new version to an existing model
There are two ways of adding a new version to an existing model:
Use the tool plug-in for Cameo, Enterprise Architect, Innovator, MagicDraw, Matlab Simulink or Rhapsody to load and publish a new version to an existing model in Smartfacts.
Right-click one of the ReqIF or BPMN-XML standard files or one of the models with the format ARIS, Cameo, MagicDraw or Rhapsody in the project tree to publish a new version to an existing model.
Adding a file to a folder
Simply provide a description and select a file from your local machine and save it to the project tree.
Adding an analysis
Open the analysis center, specify an analysis and save it to a folder of the project tree.
Add a Smartfacts reference
A Smartfacts reference is a pointer to any artifact which is stored in Smartfacts. Typically this can be a model element or a diagram or any node in a model tree. References appear in the tree in gray.
Add an external project reference
An external reference to a project allows you to load artifacts of that tool into a textual grid in Smartfacts.
Select an OSLC source which has been defined in the Friends tab of the Model Warehouse Profile. You can add references to content of the following tools:
Codebeamer: You load a complete tracker into the grid
DOORS Next: You load a local configuration - a baseline or a stream - into the grid
Jama Connect: You load a project into the grid
Jira projects: You load a whole project into the grid
If you are not authenticated, you will be asked to log-in to the instance you have selected. Having done that, the list of projects is loaded.
Select a project.
Save the project reference to the project tree
Having added an external project reference, you can drag and drop it into the left or right content compartment or select it and click "Load Left / Right".
Add to favorite
You can add a folder to your favorites.
Working with Global Components and Global Configurations
Smartfacts supports to manage its own Global Components and Global Configurations. You can add model versions to a Smartfacts global configuration in order to provide a global context for e.g. an analysis.
All Global Components of a project are accessible via the Global Components folder in the Project Tree. Via the local menu, you open the Global Components editor and manage the composition of all Global Configurations of the Global Component.