Create a backup
Run “sudo helm repo update”
Edit your values.yaml
add this line under “global”, if it is not there yet:
smartfactsVersionOverride: "2023.08.2"
Here is an example:global: smartfactsVersionOverride: "YYYY.MM.Version"
save the file
Run upgrade command:
sudo helm upgrade --install --timeout 20m0s smartfacts mid-smartfacts/smartfacts -f values.yaml --version 4.6.0-genoslcv2 -n smartfacts
Once the command has finished, run “sudo kubectl get pods -n smartfacts” to verify that your containers are up and running.
Find the pods named “smartfacts-sfit-platform-<id>” and “smartfacts-sfit-spa-<id>”.
Delete those pods with
sudo kubectl -n smartfacts delete pod smartfacts-sfit-platform-<id>
sudo kubectl -n smartfacts delete pod smartfacts-sfit-spa-<id>
Repeat the “sudo kubectl get pods -n smartfacts” command and verify that the pods named “smartfacts-sfit-platform-<id>” and “smartfacts-sfit-spa-<id>” have been restarted (column “AGE”).
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