Helm Chart v 0.1.8
cleaned up MongoDB values:
- “replicaCount” was moved up one tier and is no longer under “hidden”.
- “useStatefulSet
" now defaults to “true”added proxy and resource options to JAVA_OPTS
added more comments to the values.yaml
Single Page Application V 0.1.8
New Features
Fixed inconvieniences
Fixed bugs
New Features
All UI initiated database transactions provide feedback to the user now showing a work progress indicator and putting the application to modal mode as long as the transaction needs to finish.
Configuration Item Browser:
Configuration items can be reordered:
Internal work products can only be re-ordered within the group “Configurations Used” via drag&drop
External work products can be dragged from outside a group into any group
External work products can be re-ordered within their group
External work products can be dragged from within a group outside all groups
Groups can be added or renamed or removed via the local menu of the Configuration Item browser
Where-used can be started from anywhere in the platform
Where-used can have one search object and the following options can be applied for the result:
Direct usage or usage along the path
Selection of the target concept (configuration or component)
Selection of a target concept type
Selection of a target concept instance (result will only include concepts of this instance)
Selection of target property filters
Only properties that have “
Where-Used can be filtered by this Attribute
" enabled are selectable here
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