Change to your user's home directory on the server and create a new text file
with the following content:
Replace the value of the domain propertyCode Block global: domain: "<your-domain>" instance: "genoslc v2" registry: "repo.mid.de" repologin: "<login provided by MID>" cert: # this is a letsencrypt certificate for genoslc-cb-mercedes.gopoc.dev.smartfacts.com, since the Codebeamer instance is not in our VPN crtFullChain: "<FULL-CHAIN-CERT-BASE64>" key: "<CERT-KEY-BASE64>" ingress: enabled: true # if you use nginx as ingress controller please uncomment in this line: #ingressClassType: "nginx" oidc: clientId: "<OIDC client ID>" clientSecret: "<OIDC client secret>" hosts: genoslc: subdomain: "<subdomain where the application is accessible>" secrets: oauth2: wellknown: "</.well-known/openid-configuration URL>" identity: OIDC_ISSUER: "<OIDC issuer URL>" env: allowedCorsOrigins: "<URLs of apps that can make REST requests to the OSLC Connector" globalConfigurationProvider: "<URL of the Global Configuration provider>" # e.g. https://ibm-elm:9443/gc linkValidityProvider: "<URL of the Link Validity provider>" # e.g. https://ibm-elm:9443/jts authorizationUri: "<OIDC authorization URL" tokenUri: "<OIDC token URL>" userInfoUri: "<OIDC user info URL>" tool: type: "codebeamer" adaptedToolApiUri: "<URL of the Codebeamer instance>" adaptedToolRootUri: "<URL of the Codebeamer API>" # usually the same as the adaptedToolApiUri adaptedToolTechnicalUserAuthorizationHeader: "Basic <base64 encoded credentials>" oauth10a: #oauth10a configuration in: inboundRealmName: "genoslc-mb-codebeamer" inboundName: "cb-inbound" inboundConsumerKey: "<known incoming consumer key>" inboundConsumerSecret: "<known incoming consumer secret>" out: outboundProtectedRoots: "<base URL of oauth10a protected application>" # e.g. base URL of the IBM Jazz instance outboundRootservices: "<rootservices URL of the application" # e.g. https://ibm-elm:9443/jts/rootservices outboundName: "ibm-elm-outbound" outboundConsumerKey: "<already configured consumer key>" outboundConsumerSecret: "<already configured consumer secret>" mongodb: enabled: true certtool: enabled: true
Below is a commented version of the tree above with only the parameters that need to be edited:
domain: Replace with your domain name.
repologin: Replacewith the value provided from MID.
crtFullChain: The base64 encoded full certificate chain for your instance
key: The base64 encoded server key for your instance
ingressClassType: If you are using
nginx as the ingress controller,
uncomment the “ingressClassType” property.
clientId: This is the client ID which is configured in your OIDC provider
clientSecret: This is the client secret which is configured in your OIDC provider
subdomain: The subdomain of your genoslc host, e.g. genoslc-codebeamer
wellknown: “https://<FQDN of your OIDC provider>/auth/realms/MID/.well-known/openid-configuration“
OIDC_ISSUER: “https://<FQDN of your OIDC provider>/auth/realms/MID"
allowedCorsOrigins: The FQDN of your SmartFacts instance
globalConfigurationProvider: “https://<ELM instance>:9443/gc” # e.g. https://ibm-elm:9443/gc
linkValidityProvider: "https://<ELM instance>:9443/jts" # e.g. https://ibm-elm:9443/jts
authorizationUri: "https://<FQDN of your OIDC provider>/auth/realms/MID/protocol/openid-connect/auth"
tokenUri: "https://<FQDN of your OIDC provider>/auth/realms/MID/protocol/openid-connect/token"
adaptedToolApiUri: “<URL of your Codebeamer instance>“
adaptedToolRootUri: “<URL of your Codebeamer instance>“
adaptedToolTechnicalUserAuthorizationHeader: “Basic <base64 encoded username:password>”
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