Deploying the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer
The following steps should already have been done before you install the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer. Please make sure that:
The OAuth client MUST fulfill the following requirements:
has to be a private client (so it has a key and secret)
has to be OIDC
grant type must be authorization code
the redirect URI must be https://<oslc connector url>/login/oauth2/code/custom
server certificates for your https://genoslc-codebeamer.<your domain> are present. The certificates must fulfill the requirements stated in this section: Creating and testing the Certificates for Smartfacts | Create the certificate
the DNS entry is active for https://genoslc-codebeamer.<your domain>
your OSLC Connector for Codebeamer deployment can reach the target Codebeamer instance; all necessary proxies are configured to allow the communication from the OSLC Connector to the Codebeamer instance
Prepare the Deployment
Add library Repository for the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer
You will need a username and password to download the helm chart and containers from MID's repository. You will receive username and password from your MID contact or from
sudo helm repo add library --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD>
sudo helm repo update
Customize Values File
Change to your user's home directory on the server and create a new text file
with the following content:
genoslcToolServiceVersionOverride: ""
genoslcCodebeamerPluginVersionOverride: ""
# Domain of the cluster or of the external reverse proxy
domain: ""
# Setup OIDC information
# OIDC Client ID registerd for this application
clientId: ""
# OIDC Client Secret registered for this application
clientSecret: ""
# SSL certificates
overrideTruststorePassword: "changeit"
secretName: ""
crtFullChain: ""
key: ""
# OIDC Issuer URL, taken from the /.well-known/openid-configuration endpoint
# The subdomain where the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer will be accessible
subdomain: "genoslc-codebeamer"
port: ""
type: "codebeamer"
adaptedToolApiUri: ""
adaptedToolRootUri: ""
adaptedToolToolTimeZone: "UTC"
adaptedToolTechnicalUserAuthorizationHeader: ""
widgetUrl: "<baseUrl>/cb"
manualLoginRequired: "false"
authorizationUri: ""
introspectionUri: ""
administrators: []
oauth10aEncryptionKey: ""
clientId: ""
clientSecret: ""
secretName: ""
userNameAttribute: "preferred_username"
clientAuthenticationScheme: "client_secret_basic"
userInfoAuthenticationMethod: "header"
clientScope: "openid"
pkceEnabled: true
publicUri: ""
pluginUri: ""
allowedCorsOrigins: ""
knownContextRoots: ""
globalConfigurationProvider: ""
linkIndexType: ""
linkIndexUri: ""
linkValidityProvider: ""
trsEnabled: false
containerPort: "8443"
port: "8443"
debugPortToolService: ""
# Defines a proxy used by the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer.
# The URL of the https proxy server
host: ""
# The port of the https proxy server
port: ""
# A list of IP addresses or URLs devided by the pipe sign '|'
nonProxyHosts: ""
# Sets the logging level in the application
# valid values are: INFO, ERROR, DEBUG, TRACE
loggingLevelSpringFramework: "INFO"
enabled: true
className: ""
annotations: {}
secretName: ""
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------- Library ------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Special certtool configuration
# certtool should only be activated on the first deployment and after a certificate update
enabled: true
# Deployes a mongodb container inside the pod that the OSLC Connector will use
enabled: true
Overwriting the installed version
Use genoslcToolServiceVersionOverride to change the default version set in the helm chart for the tool service. Overwrite the default value when you want to switch to another version, other than the one set as default via the helm chart
genoslcToolServiceVersionOverride: "2024.07.4"
Use genoslcCodebeamerPluginVersionOverride to change the default version set in the helm chart for the Codebeamer plugin widget. Overwrite the default value when you want to switch to another version, other than the one set as default.
SSL certificates
Domain and subdomain
In the global
section you must specify the domain
and subdomain
that form the base URL where the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer will be accessible.
This will result in to become the URL where the OSLC Connector is established.
OIDC Issuer
The OIDC issuer must be configured in the global
section in order to establish the connection between the application and the SSO. The issuer URL value has to be retrieved from the /.well-known/openid-configuration endpoint of the SSO (RFC 8414 - OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata (
Configuring the OIDC client
After configuring the OIDC client in your SSO provider you must set the OIDC client ID and client secret.
The OIDC client MUST fulfill the following requirements:
has to be a private client (so it has a key and secret)
grant type must be authorization code
the redirect URI must be https://<oslc connector url>/login/oauth2/code/custom
Setting up a connection to the Codebeamer instance
Adapting a Codebeamer instance
There are two URLs that must be set before a integration with the API and UI of Codebeamer can be achieved. The first one is adaptedToolRootUri
and it represents the base URL of your Codebeamer instance. The second one is adaptedToolApiUri
and represents the API URL of Codebeamer. This usually follows the following path formats:
https://<codebeamer instance URL>/api/v3/
https://<codebeamer instance URL>/cb/api/v3/
Codebeamer Widget URL
OSLC Connector for Codebeamer comes up with a bundled widget that has to be installed in Codebeamer. The first step to achieve that is to set the widgetUrl - it must be in the format https://<connector base url>/cb
Codebeamer time zone
The Codebeamer time zone must be set in the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer too. To do that use adaptedToolToolTimeZone
. For more references on the Codebeamer tool time zone see the documentation.
Technical user authorization for TRS generation
The value for adaptedToolTechnicalUserAuthorizationHeader
must be a valid Basic authorization header. The credentials are base64 encoded.
Setting the adaptedToolTechnicalUserAuthorizationHeader
is mandatory if TRS feed generation is required.
List of OSLC Connector for Codebeamer administrators
Provide a list of up to 5 usernames which will have the administration right to change protected settings in the OSLC Connector. Inbound details and Outbound details can be managed only by administrators. At least one administrator user must be stated here.
Encrypt oauth10a configuration data
Set the encryption key used to encrypt and decrypt the oauth10a configuration data in the database.
Overwrite global OIDC configuration
This optional section can be used to overwrite the OIDC client configuration used by the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer when the helm chart bundles multiple applications together.
Set the env.oidc.clientId
and env.oidc.clientSecret
in order to overwrite the values from global.oidc.clientId
and global.oidc.clientSecret
Alternatively you can provide the name of the Kubernetes secret and the values for clientId
and clientSecret
will be fetched from the specified secret.
User name attribute
Used to set the JWT claim to be used for user identification. Examples are preferred_username, sub, oid.
Client authentication scheme
Sets the client authentication method to be used in the authentication process. Valid values are: client_secret_basic, client_secret_post, none. Default value is "client_secret_basic"
User info authentication method
Sets the user info authentication method. Valid values are: header, form, query
Client scopes
Sets the client scopes used in the authentication process. Default value "openid". The value is a comma separated list of scopes (e.g. "read, write").
Sets the application to use PKCE when authenticating the user PKCE for OAuth 2.0 . Default value is true. Set pkceEnabled to false if the OIDC provider does not support PKCE.
Authorization URI
By default, the authorization URI will be retrieved from the issuer URI. However, if you need to configure custom query parameters for the authorization request you can set it up; e.g. for acr_values
Introspection URI
The introspection URI will be used to validate and retrieve token data necessary for user identification.
Public URI and Plugin URI
The env.publicUri
variable sets the URL where the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer is accessible. This is mandatory and has to be set.
The env.pluginUri
sets the URL where the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer is accessible and must be in the form of <env.publicUri>/spa. This variable is also mandatory and must be set.
Allowed CORS URLs
This is a comma separated list of applications that are allowed to make requests to the OSLC Connector API like third party applications that read data from the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer.
Known context roots
This is a comma separated list URLs of other OSLC Connectors (Smartfacts, Jama, PREEvision, Codebeamer, DOORS Classic) that are connect to this instance via an association.
Global Configuration Provider
Sets the Global Configuration provider. An example is https://<ibm-elm>/gc. Setting the value is optional but is mandatory if IBM ELM link validity is required.
The value must be the rootservices URL without the trailing /rootservices
Link Index Type
Sets the type of link index used. A link index is generally used when links are retrieved by the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer from an external link index (e.g. LDX or Smartfacts Link Index).
e.g. Requirements are handled in Codebeamer and test cases in Jazz ETM - links must be read from LDX
Available options are: "ibm-elm", "smartfacts", "none"
Links Index URI
Provides the querying endpoint for the link index.
Must be configured only if env.linkIndexType
has been set to ibm-elm
or smartfacts
Link Validity Provider
Sets the Link Validity Provider. Examples:
Enabling TRS
Enables TRS feed generation. Requires a technical user to be set via the env.tool.adaptedToolTechnicalUserAuthorizationHeader
if it's enabled.
TRS feed exposes base artifacts and changes that occurred in synchronized Codebeamer projects.
Install the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer
Execute the Installation
Enter the following command to execute the Installation:
Next Steps
To configure communication between Codebeamer, OSLC Connector for Codebeamer and Smartfacts, please follow the steps at Tutorial Codebeamer <> Cameo Systems Modeler.