OSLC Connector for Visual Studio Code
Download and unarchive the plug-in from the Smartfacts platform. Main Menu > Get Plug-ins > Visual Studio Code
Copy the root folder (smartfacts.tools.plugin.vscode) of the unarchived files into C:\Users\User_Name]\.vscode\extensions so the plugin code is then located in
If you encounter issues that vscode is not able to detect the plugin, run the following command from a command line in the folder, where the vsix file is located:
code --install-extension smartfacts.tools.plugin.vscode.vsix
3. Ensure, that the following entries are added to the smartfacts CSP.conf file:
frame-ancestors … vscode-resource://* vscode-webview://* vscode-file://* vscode-app://* …
Otherwise, the plugin might not be able to start.
4. Open Visual Studio Code
Click the Smartfacts icon in the left vertical toolbar (bottom icon):
5. Enter the instance URL of your Smartfacts instance into the textbox at the bottom of the plug-in.
6. The Smartfacts plug-in will now load.