NUI_Release Notes 2023.05.1
Smartfacts Platform
Users can be added to reviews and removed from reviews also while a review is running.
Review notifications show the role instead of the user
The notifications show now the user name of an activity instead of the role of the user.
Link Types
A comprehensive system of link types has been defined for all integrations of the Smartfacts platform. All connectors will contain these link types by default in the future.
Improvement of the user interface of the Smartfacts model element grid
The Smartfacts model element grid has been improved.
Adding external references to Jama Connect
When adding an external reference to Jama Connect into a Smartfacts project, all Jama Connect projects including all folders have been presented in a flat list for selection. Now, only Jama Connect projects are presented.
Details of an external project reference can be reviewed
Having added an external project reference (Codebeamer, Jama Connect or Jira) into the project tree, the user can now open that reference in a window, review the details and navigate to the external project.
Problems with links between the same items and different link types
Adding multiple links between the same link source and target using different link types has led to problems of links that were visible only on one side. This issue has been resolved.
Smartfacts Plugins
These improvements are relevant to the plug-ins of all modeling tools: Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic, Enterprise Architect, Innovator, MagicDraw, Rhapsody, Simulink.
Graph embedded in the plug-in
The user can open a graph of the links between model elements and requirements that visualizes the list of links. The graph can be zoomed and panned and is updated according to the currently defined filters. Hovering on an icon will show a delegated UI of the item.
Search within the grid
The search functionality in the grid of requirements allows to search within the IDs and titles of all requirements that are visible in the grid.
Multiple search hits are now highlighted across the whole grid. In a former version, also the parents of a hit have been highlighted. This has now been changed to only search hits.
Having performed a search, the first hit is moved to the vertical center of the grid into the visible area.
Delta publishing
There are now only three options for publishing a model:
Publishing a new model
Publishing a new version of an existing model (delta publishing)
Publishing (updating) into the latest version of a model (delta publishing)
The forth option “Publishing (updating) into the latest version of a model (delta publishing)” has been moved to the sub-menu Special. This sub-menu also carries other rarely used commands like model connectivity and change instance.
The list of stereotype and link type filters in the Links tab highlights stereotypes and link types used in the list of links
The stereotype filter and the link type filter highlight now all stereotypes and link types which are used in the list of links presented to the user by presenting them as bold. This makes it easier to select a filter that has an impact.
The plug-in establishes the connectivity to the Smartfacts model directly after the model has been loaded
The performance of establishing the model connectivity has been improved. Directly after a model has been loaded into the modeling tool, the connectivity is established.
Bugfix: Delta Publishing
In the last version, with each publishing action, all diagrams were published, even in delta publishing mode. This issue has been fixed.
Bugfix: Multi-linking without selecting a requirement
When the user tries to link multiple requirements at once to a model element without selecting a requirement, all visible requirements were selected for linking and presented in the link definition window. This has been fixed.
Bugfix: Switching the global configuration (only in Enterprise Architect)
When switching the IBM ELM global configuration, the global configuration picker window closed before the user was able to select a new global configuration under certain circumstances. This issue has been fixed.
OSLC Connector for Codebeamer
Embedding references to model elements and diagrams into the description of a requirement.
The user can now add a reference to a model element via these steps:
Activate the edit mode of the requirement in Codebeamer
Move the cursor to the targeted position in the text
Click the + Button in the Smartfacts plug-in and select a reference via the picker
Deactivate the edit mode of the requirement
The requirement description carries now a link to a model element or diagram. On hover a popup will open and show the details of the linked artifact.
Adding associations
The user interface for adding associations has been simplified.
List of links user interface
The list of links allows to open a delegated UI of a linked item by hovering over the link. The popup opens now with a time lag to make it easier to use overall.
Conflict handling of two widgets loaded at the same time
We have experienced a conflict between the Pure Variants and Smartfacts widget for Codebeamer, when both are loaded at the same time. This issue has been resolved.
Loading Links
While the plug-in for Codebeamer is loading, it is showing a progress indicator.