NUI_Release Notes 2023.06

NUI_Release Notes 2023.06

Smartfacts Platform

Super user

The super user capability is available for users that have gained permission through LCAM. Once the super user mode is activated the user is granted the following roles:

  • Project Owner for all projects in the model warehouse

  • Model Owner for all models in the warehouse

  • Review owner for all existing reviews

Using this permissions, the super user can grant permissions to any resources available in the model warehouse to any other users.

Plugin notifications

The notification center is now displayed in all the tool plugins.

Link Type UI Changes

  • Improved the Link Type table to show relevant information at a quick glance.

  • Link Type names are now clickable and open the edit form


Support for OIDC against JAS

External Servers can now be configured to use OIDC to authenticate.


Support for Okta OIDC

Smartfacts now supports Okta to authenticate.

Replaced the Smartfacts OSLC adapter with OSLC Connector for Smartfacts

The old OSLC adapter for Smartfacts has been replaced with the OSLC Connector for Smartfacts - this is based on the genOSLC v2 framework.

With this change, the oauth1.0a configurations can be completely done from Smartfacts SPA and don’t require dev ops intervention in the instance setup.

Support for multiple OSLC Connectors for one Smartfacts instance

It is now possible to configure a different OSLC Connector for Smartfacts in each model warehouse. Go to the model warehouse profile and edit the rootservices file URL.

Dropped support for the genOSLC v1 adapter

OSLC Connector for Smartfacts is compatible only with other genOSLC v2 based adapters (it cannot be configured to communicate with Codebeamer genOSLC v1).

Resolved issues

  • Glitch in displaying search results in the plugin

  • Codebeamer trackers not being loaded in the plugin or Smartfacts SPA after a longer stand by