NUI_Upgrading Smartfacts

NUI_Upgrading Smartfacts

Add Web Origin to Keycloak

For Smartfacts to function, it is necessary to corret a value in the Keycloak configuration.

Get the Keycloak administrator password:

sudo kubectl get secret smartfacts-keycloak-admin-secret -o 'go-template={{index .data "KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD"}}' -n smartfacts | base64 -d; echo ""

Get the URL of keycloak:

sudo kubectl get ingress -n smartfacts | grep identity | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f3

Call this URL in a browser. Klick on “Administration Console” and log in with Username “keycloak-admin” and the password returned in the step above.

Select “Clients” and the client ID “smartfacts”.


Scroll down until you see the property “Web Origins”. Insert a plus sign “+” into the value field.


Scroll to the bottom of the page and klick on the “save” button

Update Smartfacts

  1. Create a backup

  1. Run “sudo helm repo update”

  2. Run upgrade command:

    1. sudo helm upgrade --install --timeout 20m0s smartfacts mid-smartfacts/smartfacts -f values.yaml --version 4.7.5-genoslcv2 -n smartfacts
    2. Once the command has finished, run “sudo kubectl get pods -n smartfacts” to verify that your containers are up and running.

    3. Find the pods named “smartfacts-sfit-platform-<id>” and “smartfacts-sfit-spa-<id>”.

    4. Delete those pods with

    5. Repeat the “sudo kubectl get pods -n smartfacts” command and verify that the pods named “smartfacts-sfit-platform-<id>” and “smartfacts-sfit-spa-<id>” have been restarted (column “AGE”).


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