NUI_Upgrading the TLS certificate

NUI_Upgrading the TLS certificate

  1. Obtain the new certificate chain from your certificate authority (CA) in PEM format.

Hereinafter, the term certificate.pem will be used to the full certificate chain.

  1. Copy the certificate.pem file onto a Linux computer and execute the command:

    cat certificate.pem | base64 -w0 > certificate.base64


  2. Use the contents of the newly created certificate.base64 file to replace the old value of the key crtFullChain in your values.yaml.

    global: ... cert: crtFullChain: "<replace here>" key: "<CERT-KEY-BASE64>" # <- do NOT change!


  3. If you have the certtool disabled with the following line in your values.yaml, make sure

  4. Redeploy with the updated values.yaml.

  5. Check the result in your web browser