Kubernetes or Openshift Cluster
TLS certificatescertificate chain and key
Credentials of and access to https://repo.secure.mid.de/
Credentials of and access to https://repo.mid.de
Code Block |
sudo kubectl apply -f regcred-secret.yaml -n cdcm |
Add the
chart repo
Code Block |
sudo helm repo add cdcm https://repo.secure.mid.de/chartrepo/cdcm --username <user> --password <password> && sudo helm repo update |
Customize values file
Create a file “values.yaml”, using this template
Code Block | ||
| ||
global: domain: "<your domain>" env: hosts: cdcm: subdomain: "<your subdomain>" port: "8080" mongoConnectionString: "mongodb+srv://USER:PASSWORD@<MongoDB Atlas cluster adress>/?retryWrites=true&w=majority&appName=Cluster0" oauth10a: active: adminToken: "<base64 string of user:password>" |
Replace the placeholder <your domain> with the FQDN of your instance
enabled: true
- name: "mid-jts-outbound"
protectedUrlRoots: "" #multiple entries, comma seperated
consumerKey: "consumer-key"
consumerSecret: "secret"
rootServices: "https://elmdemo.smartfacts.com:9443/jts/rootservices"
realm-name: ""
spacesData: '[{"key": "name of database","title": "Space title"}]'
authClientId: "cdcm"
authClientSecret: "client_secret"
authIssuerUri: ""
authUri: ""
authTokenUri: ""
authUserInfoUri: ""
authJwkSetUri: ""
authUsePkce: false # Indicates whether Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is used
authClientRolesAttribute: "roles" # Attribute name for client roles
authUserIdAttribute: "sub" # Attribute name for user ID
authUserNameAttribute: "name" # Attribute name for user name
authFirstNameAttribute: "given_name" # Attribute name for user's first name
authLastNameAttribute: "family_name" # Attribute name for user's last name
authMailAttribute: "email" # Attribute name for user's email address
jwtIssuerUri: "" |
The environment variables for the authentication block are documented in Environment variables
Install CDCM
Code Block |
helm upgrade --install --timeout 1m0s cdcm cdcm/cdcm -f values.yaml --version 1.0.6 -n cdcm --create-namespace --debug |
Watch Deployment (in a new Session)
Open a second session on the server and enter the following command:
Code Block |
sudo watch kubectl get deployments -n cdcm |
As soon as all deployments are available, the installation is ready.