Deploying CDCM

Deploying CDCM



Secrets for the TLS Certificate and Credentials for the Image Registry

  1. Create a file named “tls-secret.yaml”, using this template:

apiVersion: v1 data: tls.crt: <Complete TLS certificate chain, base64 encoded> tls.key: <TLS certificate key, base64 encoded> kind: Secret metadata: name: cdcm-certs type: kubernetes.io/tls
  1. Apply the secret:

sudo kubectl apply -f tls-secret.yaml -n cdcm
  1. Create a file “regcred-secret.yaml”, using this template:

apiVersion: v1 data: .dockerconfigjson: <Base64 encoded image registry credentials> kind: Secret metadata: name: regcred type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
  1. Apply the secret:

Add the chart repo

Customize Values File

Create a file “values.yaml”, using this template

Install CDCM

Watch Deployment (in a new Session)

Open a second session on the server and enter the following command:

As soon as all deployments are available, the installation is ready.