Or it can be used to apply it to a existing configuration in the configuration context menu:
Template tailoring
When creating a configuration from a template there are two options after the title for the new configuration was entered and a template configuration was selected.
When clicking “create” in the template usage dialog all configuration item that exist in the template configuration will be copied into the newly created configuration.
As shown in the image above, when tailoring the template usage process, individual configuration items can be excluded. These will then not be copied from the template configuration. For each excluded configuration item a reason must be given.
Template use protocol
Template usage is documented in a separate tab on the configuration. There it is possible to see which template was used as well as the reasons for excluding configuration items.
Baseline types
As described here baseline types are basically a label for configuration items. When using a template the baseline types can indicate if a configuration item came from a template or if it was manually added later.
In the image shown above the baseline types that are shown with a blue checkmark were present in those configuration items in the template configuration (e.g. Quality gate A, y and X for “Config Item C”). The baseline types shown with a green checkmark were added manually on this configuration (e.g. Quality gate y in “Config item E”)
Template use and concept types
they are created manually (so without the template process)
they are created via the template use (see section “Excluding configuration item”“Template tailoring”) but the “Associated Configuration Item Type From Template” property on the configuration concept type is empty
a template is applied to a configuration and there is no configuration item with the same title in the template configuration