Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Create a Baseline Type:

    • Input: Provide a name like "QA Approved."

    • Result: A baseline type is created and can be associated with configurations.

  2. Enable a Baseline Type:

    • Input: Select a configuration area.

    • Result: "QA Approved" is available for configurations within that area.


Creating Baselines

Baselines can be created in two ways: Full or Partial.


Full Baseline:

  • All configuration items (CIs) are included.

  • Example: A configuration for a software release with all features enabled.

Partial Baseline:


Selected CIs associated with specific baseline types are included.


Step-by-Step Guide

1. Creating a New Baseline


  • Permissions:

    • To create or modify a baseline, you must have the maintain-type-system permission in the space or configuration area.

    • To enable a baseline type for a configuration area, you need modify-configuration-area permission.


  1. Access the Configuration:

    • Navigate to the Configuration Management interface.

    • Select the desired configuration you want to baseline.

  2. Select Baseline Type:

    • Go to the Baseline Types tab.

    • Choose an existing baseline type or create a new one:

      • Option 1: Create a new type by clicking Add Baseline Type and providing a name (e.g., QA Approved).

      • Option 2: Select an existing type from the sorted and filterable list.

  3. Create the Baseline:

    • Choose the scope of the baseline:

      • Full Baseline: Select all configuration items (CIs) in the configuration.

      • Partial Baseline: Choose specific CIs associated with the selected baseline type.

    • Confirm and save the new baseline.

Diagram: Baseline Creation Process

Below is a flowchart of the baseline creation process:

Code Block
[StartConfiguration] --> [SelectBaseline Types ConfigurationTab] --> [Choose BaselineSelect Type] --> [Full or Partial?]
        --> (Full) --> [CopyCreate Baseline: All CIs] --> [New Baseline: Full]

         --> (Partial) --> [Select CIs] --> [NewCreate Baseline: Partial CIs]

Closing Baselines

Configurations or items can be transitioned to a Closed Baseline state:

  • Rules:

    • All internal and external work products must be in the Closed Baseline state.

    • Users are informed of irreversible actions before proceeding.

Diagram: State Transition to "Closed Baseline"


2. Viewing Existing Baselines


  1. Open the Baseline Types tab in the configuration area.

  2. Use the filter or sort functionality to locate the baseline type of interest.

  3. Review associated CIs, descriptions, and metadata.


  • Scenario: You created a baseline for a software release tagged Release 1.0.

  • Action: Filter for baseline types labeled Release and view the associated CIs.


3. Managing Baseline Types

Add or Remove Baseline Types

  • Add:

    • Navigate to the Baseline Types tab.

    • Click Add Baseline Type and define its name and key.

  • Remove:

    • Select the baseline type and click Remove. Baseline types that are actively associated with unit types cannot be removed.


4. Closing a Baseline

When to Use:

  • Close a baseline when the configuration is finalized and no further changes are allowed.


  1. Open the configuration.

  2. Ensure all CIs are in a state that supports closing (e.g., QA Approved or Production Ready).

  3. Set the configuration’s state to Closed Baseline.

  4. Confirm the action:

    • The system will validate all CIs.

    • If prerequisites are unmet, the system will inform you and cancel the action.

Diagram: Closing a Baseline

Code Block
[Configuration] --> [Validate ConditionsCIs] --> [ClosedClose Baseline State]
|   [Fail: Inform User]Code kopieren





  • Scenario:


  • Configuration: "Release 1.0"

  • Result: All associated work products must meet the Closed Baseline state.


Example 2: Partial Baseline Closure:

  • Configuration: "Bug Fix 1.0.1"

  • Result: Only selected work products are validated.

Deriving Streams

Streams can be derived from baselines to enable further development or updates:

  • Full Baseline:

    • Copies all configuration items.

  • Partial Baseline:

    • Copies only selected baseline items.

Diagram: Deriving a Stream

Code Block
[Baseline] --> [Derive Stream] --> [Initial State Stream]

Examples: Deriving Streams


Example 1: Full Baseline Stream:

  • Baseline: "Release 1.0"

  • Stream: "Feature Addition for Release 1.1"

Example 2: Partial Baseline Stream:


Baseline: "Bug Fix 1.0.1"


  • A Closed Baseline is required for an audit.

  • Action: Transition all CIs to Closed Baseline, ensuring no modifications are possible.


5. Deriving a Stream from a Baseline

When to Use:

  • Create a development or feature stream from an existing baseline.


  1. Select a baseline (e.g., Release 1.0).

  2. Click Derive Stream.

  3. Choose whether to:

    • Include all CIs (Full Stream).

    • Include only specific baseline items (Partial Stream).

  4. Confirm to create a new configuration in the Initial state.


  • Scenario: Derive a stream from Release 1.0 for a Bug Fix 1.0.1.

  • Result: A partial stream containing only the required fixes.


Examples of Usage

1. Full Baseline Example

  • Scenario: Prepare a snapshot for a major release.

  • Steps:

    1. Open configuration Project X.

    2. Add a new baseline type Major Release.

    3. Create a full baseline, including all 100 CIs.

  • Outcome: A baseline named Project X – Release 1.0 is created.

2. Partial Baseline Example

  • Scenario: Snapshot a subset of features for a minor release.

  • Steps:

    1. Open configuration Project Y.

    2. Use the baseline type Bug Fixes Only.

    3. Select 20 specific CIs and create the partial baseline.

  • Outcome: A baseline named Project Y – Patch 1.0.1 is created.


REST Services

Endpoint Priority



Create/Modify Baseline Type, Retrieve Configuration CIs.


Retrieve all Baseline Types for a Configuration.


Add/Remove Baseline Types from Configuration Areas.
