The "Where-Used" analysis feature in Smartfacts CDCM enables allows users to identify trace where specific components, configurations, or configuration items are used utilized within the nested hierarchy of configurations and products. This functionality serves various business use cases, each requiring a tailored approach to understanding supports diverse business scenarios by offering tailored insights into the impact of changes or and identifying affected products. Here's
To enhance usability, the results of the Where-Used analysis can be exported to an Excel file for further analysis or reporting. This can be done by clicking the "Excel Export" button.
Below, we outline how the Where-Used analysis works for is applied across four key business scenarios:1. Engineering Change - Supplier Part Discontinued
Use Cases:
Change-Initiator/Coordinator: Evaluate the risk of a change by identifying potentially affected products and customers.
Product Responsible Person: Understand the impact of the change on their product versions.