Step 1. Jira: Adding the Jazz Certificate
In the Jira admin area, click "manage apps". You need Jira admin rights to do that.
Put the Jazz certificate to the trust-store on the Jira server.
Select the "Network Configuration" tab and set path to the trust-store and click “apply”. If the trust store text fiels is not visible, switch the SSL parameters to “No SSL” and back to “default settings”.
Test the connection with https://[ibm-jazz base url]:9443/jts/admin
Step 2: IBM ELM: Adding Consumers
Consumers must be registered for all Jazz applications you want to integrate with Jira. So, the following steps must be performed for all of these applications:
DOORS Next https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/jts/admin ## Note: The DNG consumer must be registered in JTS
ETM https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/qm/admin
EWM https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/ccm/admin
you do not have to do the following steps for GCM.Click the “server” tab
Select "Consumers (Inbound)" in the menu on the left
Add any consumer name, e.g. "Jira".
Add a consumer secret twice. You will need to add the same secret later on the Jira side.
Check "trusted".
Click "register". The consumer should be added to the list of consumers below.
Copy the consumer key from the newly-added consumer. You will need it on the Jira side.
Step 3: Jira: Adding Friends
Select the "Friends Management" tab.
Click "Add OSLC Source Configuration" (1) and do the following steps for all Jazz applications you want to connec to to Jira
Enter any Name like "DOORS Next OSLC Source".
Enter the root services url of your Jazz applications’ instance:
DOORS Next https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/rm/rootservices
ETM https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/qm/rootservices
EWM https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/ccm/rootservices
GCM https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/gc/rootservicesSelect the correct OSLC domain: "RM" for DOORS Next, "QM" for ETM, "CCM" for EWM, "GC" for GCM.
Paste the consumer key copied in step 2.3.e. and add the secret from 2.3.b.
Save the friend.
Use the "Test" button (2) to test if the IBM Jazz root service can be accessed from Jira. The log should show a status "200".
Step 4: Jira: Configure the Link Types
Select the “Link Types" tab.
Click the ‘Add link type’ button. If no link type was registered, a popup with all available link type options will appear, choose the necessary link types from the list and click “add”
Manually add the link types you need for linking with all your OSLC sources.
You can also import a CSV file with all standard OSLC link types required for connecting to IBM Jazz and Smartfacts.
Step 5: IBM ELM: Adding Friends
Go to https://[ibm-jazz base url]:9443/jts/admin
Select "Friends (Outbound)" in the menu on the left.
Click "Add" in the upper right corner of the screen.
Add the root services file URL of Jira: https://[jira-base-url]/rest/jirarestresource/1.0/rootservices. Add a name if it is not generated automatically, e.g. "Jira".
If you are not sure what the correct url for the root services file is, you can also look up the value in the “Friends Management" tab in the apps management area of Jira. You need Jira admin rights to do that.Click "Next".
Add any secret.
Check "Trusted".
Click "Create Friend".
You must check if all the Jazz applications have inherited the friends definition from the JTS level. There are configurations in Jazz that do not allow that. In this case, you must add the friendship from every Jazz application to Jira manually. You can do this via these domains:DOORS Next https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/rm/admin
ETM https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/qm/admin
EWM https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/ccm/admin
GCM https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/gc/adminThe user will now be able to add associations to a Jira project.
Step 6: Jira: Manage Consumers
Navigate to Admin -> Manage Apps -> Consumers Management.
There should be a provisional key listed on top of the page. Authorize this provisional key.
Step 7: IBM ELM: Whitelisting Jira
You must repeat the following steps for all IBM Jazz applications you want to use for linking Jira model elements and IBM Jazz artifacts. If you are using global config management, you must also do the whitelisting in the global config management application.
Go to the admin page of an IBM Jazz application where you want to add a whitelisting. These are the typical URLs:
DOORS Next https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/rm/
ETM https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/qm/
EWM https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/ccm/
GCM https://[ibm jazz base url]:9443/gc/ the base URL of the Jira instance you want to whitelist.
Click "Add".
You do not have to add a whitelisting on JTS level. This will allow Jira to display delegated UIs from an IBM Jazz application.
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