Environment Variables
Variable Name | Data Type | Description |
SPACES_DATA | string | Defines and creates spaces. JSON array with spaces (with key, title and databaseName) Example: [ { "key": "ExampleKey", "title": "An example title", "databaseName": "CDCM-database-name" }, { "key": "AnotherExampleKey", "title": "An different title", "databaseName": "Other-db" } ] |
| string |
| string | The base URI context path for the server. If not set, defaults to the root context. |
CORS_ENABLED | boolean | Enables or disables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) at the security level. |
CSRF_ENABLED | boolean | Enables or disables Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection. |
| string | Set the Content-Security-Policy Header for the server to the value given. Not set by default. |
MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING | string | Defines the full mongodb connection string. Should include hostname (or multiple, if a replica set with multiple nodes is used) including port(s) and optionally the DB name.
or for multiple hosts:
MONGO_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED | boolean | Enables or disables MongoDB transactions. Defaults to false. Note: Can only be enabled if the mongodb deployment uses a replica set. |
| string (default: ‘autodetect’) | boolean (true / false) | Indicates whether the connection is against an Atlas Cluster (for Atlas Search), autodetects it via the connection-string by default, can be set manually to true / false |
OAUTH10A_ACTIVE and OAUTH10A_ENABLE | boolean | Control whether OAuth 1.0a is active and enabled in the application. |
OAUTH10A_CONSUMER_KEY | string | Consumer key for OAuth 1.0a authentication. |
OAUTH10A_CONSUMER_SECRET | string | Consumer secret for OAuth 1.0a authentication. |
OAUTH10A_NAME | string | The name for the OAuth 1.0a configuration. |
OAUTH10A_PROTECTED_URL_ROOT | string | Specifies the protected URLs for OAuth 1.0a authentication (comma seperated). |
OAUTH10A_ROOT_SERVICE_URL | string | URL for the OAuth 1.0a root services. |
PORT | integer | Sets the port on which the server will listen. Default is 8080 if not specified. |
PUBLIC_URL | string | The public-facing URL of the server, used for building absolute URLs. Default is http://localhost with the specified server port. |
X_FRAME_SAME_ORIGIN | string | Controls the 'X-Frame-Options' header for clickjacking protection. Defaults to true. |
| string | Sets logging level of the application. Available levels:
| boolean | show the admin login option |
| string | Name of the default database. Currently only used for user data |
| string | Issuer url of jwt tokens |
| string | Used to encrypt sensitive data that is persisted in the db |
OAuth10a Configuration
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
| Boolean | Yes | If set to active the technical preconditions in order to process OAuth10a requests will be applied by the application |
| Boolean | Yes | Enables or disables use of OAuth1.0a |
| String | Yes | The name of the OAuth10a connection. Serves as a unique identifier for this configuration. |
| String (List) | No | List of protected URL roots, separated by commas. Leave empty if not applicable. |
| String | Yes | The consumer key for OAuth10a authentication. Used to identify the application. |
| String | Yes | The consumer secret for OAuth10a authentication. Used to verify the application. |
| String | No | Base URLs or services to be accessed. Leave empty if not applicable. |
Authentication Provider Configuration
Variable name | Data type | Description |
| string | Default client ID for authentication |
| string | Default client secret for authentication |
| string | URI of the issuer for authentication |
| string | id of the Authorization provider tenant of the application |
| string | Authorization URI |
| string | Token URI for obtaining access and refresh tokens |
| string | User info URI to obtain user details |
| string | URI to obtain JSON Web Key Set |
| string | End session URI for logging out |
| boolean | Indicates whether Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is used |
| string | custom delimiter for the role strings. Default: “.” |
| string | wildcard for non confidential configuration areas. Default: “*” |
| string | Claim configuration. See here for details. |
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