The following steps should already have been done before you install the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer. Please make sure that
all necessary proxies are configured to allow the communication from the OSLC Connector to the Codebeamer instance
The OAuth client MUST fulfil the following requirements:
server certificates for your https://genoslc-codebeamer.<your domain> are present. The certificates must fullfill the requirements statet in this section:
the DNS entry is active for https://genoslc-<your tool>.<your domain>
your genoslc deployment can reach the target tool server
You will need a username and password to download the helm chart and containers from MID's repository. You will receive username and password from your MID contact or from
sudo helm repo add library --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> |
sudo helm repo update |
Change to your user's home directory on the server and create a new text file values-genoslc-codebeamer.yaml
with the following content:
global: domain: "<your-domain>" instance: "genoslc v2" registry: "" repologin: "<login provided by MID>" cert: # this is a letsencrypt certificate for, since the Codebeamer instance is not in our VPN crtFullChain: "<FULL-CHAIN-CERT-BASE64>" key: "<CERT-KEY-BASE64>" oidc: clientId: "<OIDC client ID>" clientSecret: "<OIDC client secret>" hosts: genoslc: subdomain: "<subdomain where the application is accessible>" secrets: oauth2: wellknown: "</.well-known/openid-configuration URL>" identity: OIDC_ISSUER: "<OIDC issuer URL>" ingress: enabled: true # if you use nginx as ingress controller please uncomment in this line: #ingressClassType: "nginx" env: authorizationUri: "<OIDC authorization URL" tokenUri: "<OIDC token URL>" userInfoUri: "<OIDC user info URL>" allowedCorsOrigins: "<URLs of apps that can make REST requests to the OSLC Connector" globalConfigurationProvider: "<URL of the Global Configuration provider>" # e.g. https://ibm-elm:9443/gc linkValidityProvider: "<URL of the Link Validity provider>" # e.g. https://ibm-elm:9443/jts trsEnabled: false # Set to true if you use Smartfacts as data source for a link index tool: type: "codebeamer" adaptedToolApiUri: "<URL of the Codebeamer instance>" adaptedToolRootUri: "<URL of the Codebeamer API>" # usually the same as the adaptedToolApiUri adaptedToolTechnicalUserAuthorizationHeader: "Basic <base64 encoded credentials>" configuration: # Give a list of up to 5 usernames of users which will have the administration right to change settings in Smartfacts. # At leas one administrator user must be stated here. administrators: - <administrator1> # replace this value with the username of the person who should configure the oauth10a information for the OSLC Connector for Smartfacts # key used to encrypt the oauth10a configuration data oauth10aEncryptionKey: "" # define the key which is used to encrypt the oauth10a informatin in the database mongodb: enabled: true certtool: enabled: true |
Below is a commented version of the tree above with only the parameters that need to be edited:
domain: Replace with your domain name.
repologin: Replace with the value provided from MID.
crtFullChain: The base64 encoded full certificate chain for your instance
key: The base64 encoded server key for your instance
ingressClassType: If you are using nginx as the ingress controller, uncomment the “ingressClassType” property.
clientId: This is the client ID which is configured in your OIDC provider
clientSecret: This is the client secret which is configured in your OIDC provider
subdomain: The subdomain of your genoslc host, e.g. genoslc-codebeamer
wellknown: “https://<FQDN of your OIDC provider>/auth/realms/MID/.well-known/openid-configuration“
OIDC_ISSUER: “https://<FQDN of your OIDC provider>/auth/realms/MID"
allowedCorsOrigins: The FQDN of your SmartFacts instance
globalConfigurationProvider: “https://<ELM instance>:9443/gc” # e.g. https://ibm-elm:9443/gc
linkValidityProvider: "https://<ELM instance>:9443/jts" # e.g. https://ibm-elm:9443/jts
authorizationUri: "https://<FQDN of your OIDC provider>/auth/realms/MID/protocol/openid-connect/auth"
tokenUri: "https://<FQDN of your OIDC provider>/auth/realms/MID/protocol/openid-connect/token"
adaptedToolApiUri: “<URL of your Codebeamer instance>“
adaptedToolRootUri: “<URL of your Codebeamer instance>“
adaptedToolTechnicalUserAuthorizationHeader: “Basic <base64 encoded username:password>”
Save the values-genoslc-codebeamer.yaml
Enter the following command to execute the Installation:
sudo helm upgrade --install genoslc-codebeamer library/genoslc -f values-genoslc-codebeamer.yaml --version 2.7.4-genoslcv2 -n genoslc-codebeamer --create-namespace |
To configure Codebeamer, please follow the steps at Tutorial Codebeamer <> Cameo Systems Modeler.