
The following steps should already have been done before you install the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer. Please make sure that

The OAuth client MUST fulfil the following requirements:

  1. has to be a private client (so it has a key and secret)

  2. has to be OIDC

  3. grant type must be authorization code flow 

  4. the redirect URI must be https://<oslc connector url>/login/oauth2/code/custom

Prepare the Deployment

Add library Repository for the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer

You will need a username and password to download the helm chart and containers from MID's repository. You will receive username and password from your MID contact or from

sudo helm repo add library --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD>
sudo helm repo update

Customize Values File

Below is a commented version of the tree above with only the parameters that need to be edited:

Install the OSLC Connector for Codebeamer

Execute the Installation

Enter the following command to execute the Installation:

sudo helm upgrade --install genoslc-codebeamer library/genoslc -f values-genoslc-codebeamer.yaml --version 2.7.4-genoslcv2 -n genoslc-codebeamer --create-namespace

Next Steps

To configure Codebeamer, please follow the steps at Tutorial Codebeamer <> Cameo Systems Modeler.