genOSLC Java Framework

genOSLC Java Framework

The following illustrates the basic components of a genOSLC Java Framework.

genOSLC Java Framework Overview

IToolAdapter Implementation

A genOSLC is a Spring Boot Java application which uses the genOSLC Java Framework. The heart of the integration is the implementation of the IToolAdapter Java interface (Authoring Tool Adapter above). This implementation uses the Native API of the Authoring Tool to expose its objects to genOSLC.

The IToolAdapter Interface uses Tool Adapter Objects (all with suffix Tao). The following are the primary Tool Adapter Objects each encapsulates an OSLC concept.

Tool Adapter Objects (TAOs)

The following are the primary Tool Adapter Objects

Java Class


Java Class



This models an OSLC Service Provider. It contains at least one ComponentTao.


This models an OSLC Component. The Component is the smallest object in OSLC container that may have versions and branches. It is contain in exactly one Service Provider.


This models an OSLC configuration. It is essentially either a branch or a baseline of the component.


This models an OSLC resource e.g. a Test Case, Requirement, Architecture Element etc. Artifacts are owned by a single component.


Models a resource shapes or scheme in OSLC. Resource shapes are owned by a single component.


An Application.YML is a standard Spring Boot configuration file which is used to configure Spring Boot Applications.

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