Release Notes 2023.03.1
2023.03.2 (2023-04-26): resolve technical user issue for non-CAMP operation mode
2023.03.7 (2023-05-26):
- Fix issues with number of displaying Codebeamer items
- Fix issues with display of JAMA grid in Smartfacts
Smartfacts Platform
Model Warehouse Profile
The link type restrictions
We have introduced link type restrictions for linking into source code. Every link must be enabled separately for linking to source code.
Having enabled a link type for linking to source code, it is possible to restrict the link to be added between certain code objects and stereotypes only.
URL to rootservidces file
The URL of the rootservices file of the Smartfacts instance is now presented on the Smartfacts tab of the Model Warehouse profile and can be copied from there.
Replacement of the Individual Menu Item
The customizable menu item has been removed as there is a way to replace it with a Master Page.
Improved Performance of the Results of the Traceability Analysis
The performance of the Check Traceability analysis has been improved significantly. Instead of selecting all distinct element types in the analysis, the user should select the All Element Types radio button. This will reduce the analysis time by more than 95%.
Improved Presentation of Results of the Traceability Analysis
The presentation of the results of a traceability analysis has been simplified. So far, results were presented as a hierarchy of link types and links. Now we present the results as a flat table of link types, source artifact and target artifact.
Each link can also be deleted in this view via a separate delete button.
Migration of Links
We have added a tools for link migration. As a first way to migrate links, Smartfacts can read an XML file with the following structure:
<codeBeamerMigration ModelName="C:\<Path_to_file>\file.qea" DoorsModule="Doors Module" codeBeamerTracker="CB-Tracker Name">
<MappingSet LinkType="Trace">
<Doors id="Doors_Id, eg. id.12345"/>
<CODEBEAMER id="CodeBeamer Id, eg. 12345" name="Name of CB Element 1" />
<EA guid="EA GUID, e.g. {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx}"/>
<MappingSet LinkType="Trace">
<Doors id="Doors_Id2/>
<CODEBEAMER id="CodeBeamer Id 2" name="Name of CB Element 2"/>
<EA guid="EA GUID 2"/>
The Doors id is the original id of a requirement. The Codebeamer id is the new id. The EA guid is the guid of the model element which is to be linked.
Import Links in the main menu will open the following window that allows to specify the details for importing links from an XML file:
IMPORTANT: Please ensure that /item/{} is used as path in the Target URI Pattern, otherwise the links will be created, however they will be not displayed at the corresponding Codebeamer items.
The Import Links menu item is only visible to Project Owners
Smartfacts Plug-Ins
IDE Plug-Ins Eclipse and Visual Studio Code
Improved robustness
The robustness between changes in the code, such as manual deleting a link and the clear text list of links has been improved. In addition, a refresh button for updating the list of clear text links has been added.
The Eclipse plug-in reflects the link type configuration from the MWH profile. Only link type which are enabled for linking to source code can be used to establish links in the IDEs Eclipse and Visual Studio Code.
Rhapsody Plug-In
The installer for the Rhapsody plug-in now automatically installs the rea-converter which is required to convert Rhapsody diagrams to SVG.
The performance for converting diagrams to SVGs has been improved significantly as the conversions are now done in a bulk job instead of multiple single conversions.
Requirements Grids of all Plug-Ins
The layout of the requirements grids for all modeling tools has been improved.
genOSLC has been extended with numerous new REST endpoints. The details can be found in the genOSLC documentation.