Complex Properties

Complex Properties

Complex Properties in Smartfacts CDCM enable the management of multi-value properties, allowing users to manipulate data in structured table formats within the application. This chapter provides guidance on defining complex properties, which serve as multi-value properties that users can add, delete, or edit within tables in the user interface.


The primary purpose of complex properties is to enable the structured representation and management of multi-value properties within Smartfacts CDCM. By defining complex properties, users can organize and interact with data in tabular formats, enhancing usability and flexibility.


  • Structured Data Management: Complex properties facilitate structured organization and management of multi-value properties.

  • User Interaction: Users can add, delete, and edit complex properties within tables, providing flexibility in data manipulation.

  • Enhanced Usability: Tabular representation improves data visualization and usability within the application.

Defining Complex Properties

To define a complex property in Smartfacts CDCM, follow these steps:

  1. Access Complex Properties Section: Navigate to the complex properties section within the Smartfacts CDCM admin area.

  2. Add Complex Properties: Click on the Add Complex Property button to initiate the creation of a new complex property.

  3. Provide Details: Provide a name and a unique key for the complex property. Additionally, specify the maximum and minimum number of complex properties allowed. If the minimum / maximum is set to 0, any number of complex properties can be added.

  4. Define Columns: For each column of the complex property, add pre-defined properties or Master Data Tables. These columns define the structure of the complex property and specify the types of data that can be stored within each column.

  5. Save Complex Property Definition: Once all details have been provided, save the complex property definition to finalize the configuration.

Managing Complex Properties in User Interface

Once complex properties are defined, they can be seamlessly integrated into the Smartfacts CDCM user interface. Users can then interact with these complex properties within tables, adding, deleting, or editing rows and cells as needed.

Example: Leveraging Complex Properties

An example of leveraging complex properties in Smartfacts CDCM is to add a table of team members to a product, indicating those responsible for maintaining the product. This can be achieved by defining a complex property with columns for team member details, such as name, email, and phone number, sourced from a Master Data Table. Another column can be added to describe the role of each team member.


Complex Properties in Smartfacts CDCM provide a structured approach to managing multi-value properties within the application. By defining complex properties, users can organize and interact with data in tabular formats, enhancing usability and flexibility. For detailed instructions on defining and utilizing complex properties, refer to the administration documentation or contact our support team for assistance.

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