Architecture and Technical Factsheet
As a conainerized application, the OSLC Connector for Innovator can be deployed in a Kubernetes cluster using a helm chart provided by MID.
Resource specifications
Inside the cluster, the OSLC Connector for Innovator uses the following resources in a typical installation:
OSLC Connector POD
CPU: 4
Memory: 8GB
CPU: 2
Memory: 2GB
Disk: 8GB
Persistent data storage
The OSLC Connector uses a mongdb database to persist its data. By default, the helm chart deploys a mongodb instance in namespace of the OSLC Connector. If you have an external mongodb instance (on premises or a Atlas Mongodb), the internal deployment of the Mongodb can be switched off.
The OSLC Connector for Innovator must be able to communicate with Innovator over tcp and with Confluence over https as shown in this architecture diagram: