1. Check Consistency of Jazz Consumer and Jira Friend
In your Jazz instance go to the definition of the authorized consumer keys. https://[jazzBaseUrl]/jts/
In your Jira instance goto the admin area of the OSLC Connector for Jira and select the Friends Management tab.
Make sure that the authorized consumer key on the Jazz side corresponds to the OAuth consumer key stored with the corresponding friend on the Jira side. Click edit for the Jira friend to see the Oauth consumer key.
Make sure that the consumer secret on both sides match.
2. Check Consistency of Jazz Friend and Jira Consumer
In your Jazz instance go to the definition of the Jira friend.
https://[jazzBaseUrl]/jts/ your Jira instance go to the admin area of the OSLC Connector for Jira and select the Consumers Management tab.
Make sure that the OAuth Consumer Key of the friend on the Jazz side corresponds to the Consumer Key stored with the corresponding consumer on the Jira side.
Make sure that the consumer secret on both sides match.
3. Check Consistency of the Link Type Definitions on both Sides
Links will only be visible if your OSLC connector knows the link types. This is just as true for Jazz as it is for the OSLC Connector for Jira. A link type is uniquely defined by a URI, e.g., (Derives Architecture Element)
Navigate into a DOORS Next module.
From the admin menu select Manage Component Properties.
Select the Links tab.
Add a new link type or re-use an existing one. We recommend this link type for linking e.g. DOORS Next artifacts and Jira issues:
Name on the Jira side: Implements Requirement
Name on the Jazz side: Implemented by Issue