My Project

My Project

Starting a New Project

  1. Use the local menu to start a new project

  2. Add name and description of the project and SAVE it

At this point, you are the one and only project owner. There is no content associated with your project and there is no other user who can see the project.

Use the local menu to archive or un-archive a project.

Editing a Project

You can change the name and description of the project via its local menu.

Managing Project Content

Adding Content to a Project

If you are a project owner to the project, select the CONTENT tab and add model artifacts via + button to your project. The + button opens a dialog that allows you to choose from any model that has been published to this model warehouse and for which you have at least visibility rights. Visibility is granted under governance & visibility.

Alternatively, you can publish a model directly from a modeling tool plug-in into the project.

You can add other types of content to the project by adding folders, files, references or pages to the project tree using the local menus of the project tree nodes.

Removing Content from a Project

You can remove a model from your project via the local menu of the model in the project tree by selecting "Remove Model from Project". Only project owners are allowed to remove models from a project.

Working with the Content of a Project

You can either use the project tree in the CONTENT tab to select content and load it into the left or right compartment of the split view by double-clicking or dragging and dropping artifacts into the split-view. You can also open My Content to use one of the following options to find and load the content you are looking for:

  • Your personal favorites

  • Search within the project

  • Navigate the project tree

  • Generate a version diff

  • Pick from your personal history

All ways to identify content via My Content are specific to the currently selected project. You will not find content which is not part of the current project in My Content. Secondly, you must be granted at least visibility to a model in order to see it. Visibility can be defined under governance & visibility. Thirdly, if you have chosen to use Global Configurations - either Smartfacts Global Configurations or IBM Jazz Global Configurations - you will only see content in the project tree that is part of the Global Configuration that is set as global context.

Managing your Project Team

Adding Team Members to a Project

On the TEAM tab, you also use the + button to select and add users to your project.

Removing Team Members from a Project

You can remove a user from the project via each user's local menu.

Interacting With Your Team Members

Select users from the list of users and open an e-mail or start a model chat with them via the local menu of a user.

Managing the Project Profile

There is only one aspect to manage under the PROFILE tab: Global Configurations.

You may choose to work without Global Configurations, with Smartfacts Global Configurations or with IBM Jazz Global Configurations.

Working with one of the two Global Configuration providers - Smartfacts or IBM Jazz - means that you must define a global context when working on Smartfacts platform or in any plug-in. The Global Configuration picker is located below the project picker in the middle of the top bar of Smartfacts.

Also, every plug-in for the modeling tools and the IDEs has a global config picker.

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